Wild unicycoast

Wild Unicycoast teaser - a 54 second version

I don’t really know what to say, other than your a badass. That video just blew my mind.

WOW !!! Stunning video :smiley: The filming and editing was some of the best I’ve seen, and the riding… insane dude … (shakes head) … well done !!!

badass video- well done! Loved the shots and the music suited it well. Makes me want to get out and thrash my muni this weekend. Can’t wait to see more of your riding.

Simply amazing stuff here.
Loved every aspect… except the switching camera view while the trick was taking place.

I enjoyed the trials in the EUC summer video too though.

Nonsense, Sigur Rós is just amazing.

Music was boring. But I guess its just not my thing, enough people seem to like it. Can’t please’em all.

This and the unicycle life video that you can link to from this . . . . : ) just made my night

thanks so much for all these comments.

He uses a 20 and 24 in that video I think. Dunno about the helmet.

BTW the vid was amazing! . One of the best i’ve seen in a while