Who was riding Aliso Wood on Saturday?

I was riding Cholla - Rockit Saturday AM and a mtber told me there were three other riders at Dripping Cave. If you aren’t posting your rides could I be added to a PM list for OC rides (if one exists)?

That was me, Jamey and new rider Sherman. I sent out invites to all the members of muni-riders-of-los-angeles@googlegroups.com
If you’d like to be notified of future meetups, simply join this mailing list. Here’s a write up and a few pics about it.
Sorry we missed you, but posting local ride meetup info on the uni forums is apparently something we’re not supposed to do. :o

OK, signed up for the group. Thanks Terry!


Ok cool. I know it’s the “LA” muni group, but it would be great for OC riders and riders from all surrounding areas to sign up as well. I would like to maybe organize regular “Mini-MUni weekends” at Aliso, San Juan Cap, Simi, Santa Barbara and other trails on a weekly basis. You basically just rsvp on the mailing list and show up to ride, and we could all meet for lunch afterword.

Ya, good times guys! I hope I can do at least one more ride with everyone before I head out. Unfortunately I work from 10 till 5pm Sat and Sundays so can’t really organize a group ride as that’s when most people have time to ride. I’ve been going out every other day to train for Unicon. Just did Hummingbird and G-spot (the place I broke my back) yesterday. Brought back some memories and I was very tempted to try the section again but couldn’t bring myself to try it, even though I now have a brake and pretty sure I could conquer it.

I usually go around 9 or 10am to avoid traffic. Let me know if anyone wants to join me for a ride. I’ll be hitting up Aliso tomorrow and can be flexible with times…Then another ride Friday…don’t know where yet.

On a side note, I have been timing myself to ride from the park up Cholla to the top of the world and the other day I made it under 30 minutes with no falls! Very happy about that…but it’s gonna be hard to beat it.

Top of the world to the bottom of Cholla? Yeah, I think I could ride DOWN it in 30 minutes!

You are a BRUTE!

When are you planning the ride at Aliso Woods tomorrow?


I may be able to get a day this week to meet you for a ride. Tomorrow I’m riding at newly reopened Sullivan Canyon. I might be able to make it out your way Thursday.

Scott: Thinking of going to Aliso tomorrow around 10am and ride till 12-1pm. Could ride earlier/later but that’s the best for traffic…let me know if you are interested (or anyone else).

Muniaddict: I’ll be riding Friday morning somewhere…not Thursday…let me know if you want to ride anywhere, I’m open…maybe skyline near Corona? Jim Holy Trail? Crystal Cove? …

Don’t know the last 2 trails. How long, out/back, loop, shuttle, distance, technical or non? Oh, and where are they? But probably won’t ride much friday as I have an all day ride with filming Saturday at Noble.

I was going to ride Aliso tomorrow but was thinking of 9:00 or 9:30. I don’t think traffic will be that bad as it is Vet Day. I am pretty sure it takes me 30 minutes just to get to the top of Cholla so maybe if I start at 9:30 and you start at 10:00 I could meet you at Top of the World.

I am interested, but I was thinking earlier–perhaps 9 AM with mtnjeffe. I have a commitment at noon, so I need to leave by 11 AM.


how do i join the mailing list?

Hey guys, lets meet at 9am tomorrow at Aliso (at the park near Cholla). Would love to ride with some people. I’m open for whatever trails you guys prefer.