Who has completed a 100 mile ride?

This thread is the ‘who has completed a 100 mile ride’ thread, not the ‘who has completed the hardest 100 mile ride’ thread. I don’t really have much else to add aside from that :smiley:

I agree. If you’ve sat on a unicycle seat for more than 10-hours in one day I’m super impressed. No other details matter after that to me. Well okay except for what seat and shorts you used. :slight_smile:


Oops, forgot to mention those!
Seat: KH Zero, wrapped with barbed wire
Shorts: Fruit of the Loom boxers, 100% cotton, midnight black

You should wear red… red goes faster :slight_smile:

I did 100 miles round a cycling track and it killed me, kudos to those who have done it in far worse conditions, but I still claim it :smiley:

You forgot the chronic diarrhea. I’d stick with the black.

Could you turn right the next day?

I hope we haven’t ruined this otherwise educational thread…

They changed direction half way through the night lol. It’s amazing how it plays with your mind :smiley:

And yet you rose like a phoenix from the cinders – very well done!

Well I do"!

It is clear to me that this 100 mile thread deserves clarification. Basically this… the route difficulty is relative. So relative that it deserves clarification /defining.

So, why would I say that? Because, for example, on record, someone rides 100 times around a one mile circuit near to their house and calls it a success~#. Because they rode 100 miles! I think I will just get on the rolling road in the bedroom with my wheel and ride 100 miles!!

So: Here are my definitions from what I have interpreted from posts to this thread


  • On road
  • On footpath - using walkers route
  • on cyclepath - dedicated cycle route
  • On stadium circuit or other offroad route
  • On offroad route, beach path etc, et [/LIST]

    Five ‘general’ variations!. If you fit into number one you have my respect. If you fit into number 2, good going, you had much to cope with. If you fit into number 3, it was made for you.

    If you fit into number 4… try for number 3 next year

    If you fit into number 5. Yeah! I took time out for a swim on my last ride when the weather was really hot

    When you add your name to this thread I suggest also add the number that best fits the route you did. C’est tout

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    Et c’est déjà pas mal ! :smiley:

    In my opinion, what distinguish “on road” from the others is the high risk involved. It is not necessarily the most physically demanding on the list.

    Yes. Some roadways can be really great riding surfaces, but they will carry that risk of driver+cellphone. Also there is usually more road camber to deal with.

    Many rides are also a combination of those five road types. If so, you could say something like "90% #1, 8% #3 and 1% #5.

    But rather than try to make rules for this thread, better to offer suggestions. Type of road is part of the story. Others could be:

    • Condition of road surface
    • Amount of climbing
    • Weather conditions
    • # of actual stops or dismounts
    • High or low overall elevation
    • Whatever else is interesting or relevant
    It's not a contest, it's just people sharing their 100-milers. It's an achievement in itself, but it can be fun to compare what other riders chose to tackle on their rides.

    For example, my century was in some optimum easy conditions, with beautiful weather. Not that any 100-mile ride is easy, and not without problems (I had to set up a second unicycle after getting a ride home at mile 76; read about it earlier in this thread). It wasn’t the century I had trained for, it was supposed to be all at high elevation with thousands of feet of climb and all on the side of the road, but maybe someday in the future…


    By This weekend I will complete the ride

    Have “not”…yet

    Just a comment, This is just one more reason that I enjoy this forum. It is so cool to see what everyone is doing with a unicycle. I would still be riding in the driveway bouncing a basketball, or not at all. So, now that I’m riding and trying new skills and pushing myself. I can see working up to 100 miles. Right now,…I’m still talking about my 10 miles. Very nice paved landscaped bike path. Under 1 1/2 hours. Less than 4 breaks…gotta start somewhere jeff c

    Well said, johnfoss!
    I was worried that this thread would become yet another
    “Mine is longer and harder than yours!” :astonished:

    Any way you slice it, riding 100 miles (or more!) on one wheel (in one day) is an achievement that only a very small percentage of unicyclists have accomplished, not to mention 99.99999% of humanity in general!

    Well you guys are not as rare as I thought.
    A quick look at the updated list shows me about 100 or more brave 100 milers, and since nearly 100% of you have done it with 36ers maybe we should rather think about the percentage of 36er owners in the world who have done it. Is this percentage as small as you suggest terry?
    It’s an open question, but whatever the answer is, it doesn’t take anything to the achievement.

    For me it’s even an exploit to stay on the saddle so much time in a day !

    How many 100 mile unicyclists world wide?

    I take “humanity in general” as “world population”, i.e. some 7.5 billion. Then Terry’s percentage boils down to 750 people having completed a 100 mile unicycle ride. Now, by far not all unicyclists in the world post on this forum and I know a few who have done a 100 mile ride without being in our list. But I guess forum participation tends slightly towards the more serious riders. All in all, I think 750 is a reasonable guess for the total number of 100 mile unicyclists.

    Yes, about 700-750 rough guess but even that number seems high to me, since that would be adding roughly 600 “unknowns” to the current list. Of this forum’s total membership of about 121,000, less than .1% are on the list as having completing a 100 mile-or-more ride in one day, which is another way of saying that 99.9% of the members have not completed a 100 mile ride. (or at least not posted to the list) I do believe that most experienced unicyclists in good health could probably ride 100 miles in a day, but for most it’s probably just not a priority, or they may not believe they could accomplish it. But by adding a few miles to each ride and becoming conditioned, I believe a great many more could be added to the list.

    Who mentioned physically demanding? Although, since you mention it, I personally train off-road most of the time. Because I find it ‘realistic’. I also try some easy/safe road riding for recreation.

    So you are a road-rider? How have you personally experienced ‘high risk’ . Or is that a personal interpretation?

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