Which is the best of these avatars?

I’m sick of trying to choose an avatar so I’m asking for some help. Which of these is the best?


p.s. If you’re wondering what that 3rd one is, it’s a very short hand wheel walking attempt. It’s taken from a video and somehow by the next frame, my hands are out.


My vote is for the second row, second column; the grey-on-black one. Easiest to see what it is; a good shot.


second row, third one over with the blue background.

Second row, third one over with the blue background.

the short-lived, hand wheel-walking attempt


im with phil on this 1

I could, of course, give you a link to a photograph that has been shown repeatedly in these fora that I believe would make an EXCELLENT avatar.

harpers would be link did make an excellent avatar,i used it for 2 days and it felt great. :astonished:

can u do the greying kinda thing to the wheelwalk attempt?
it would be a nice way to stop u from taking yourself tooo seriously

If he took himself seriously at all, do you think he’d be asking usfor advice on a choice of avatar?


Seriously, Andrew, why be satisfied with just one avatar?

Variety is the interesting flavor-enhancer of life.

Go for a new one each week!

Greg, you ought to submit your avatar idea to Gilby as a T–shirt design.

Or, maybe as a radio-button design for this site…

isn’t it possible to load , oh say… about 7 avatars and have the ‘machine’ decide which one to use

Yes, it’s called “7-card Stud”, and it’s done on a Poker machine.

Here’s my hand: :smiley: :frowning: :roll_eyes: :astonished: :thinking: :stuck_out_tongue: :sunglasses:

Oops! Somebody did say “call”, didn’t they?

Re: Which is the best of these avatars?

I like the hand-wheel-walking one (as is). And since you attracted attention to it, I think you like that one too. It’s funny.

Also, the words “hand-wheel-walking” and “serious” CANNOT be used in the same sentence. But I agree with GILD’s sentiment – poking fun at yourself is usually a Good Thing.

uni57 (Dave)
P.S. - Maybe the answer will come to you in a (unicycle) dream.

Re: Which is the best of these avatars?

The jury will disregard my previous response. I have a better idea…

Since WE are the ones who have to look at your avatar every time you post, I think that WE should decide which one you use. :slight_smile:

Why don’t you finalize your choices, if you haven’t already, then make a poll. And whatever we choose, you have to use for at least one month. (decide how long the poll should last – like maybe three days)

You are a “regular” here – people will indulge you. And if they think it’s a stupid poll, then you can blame me.

How about it? Or are you chicken?

And if you are really brave, throw in one embarrassing picture (I don’t know – let your mother pick a baby picture or something). I promise I won’t vote for it.

uni57 (Dave)
P.S. - If you use a baby picture, don’t use a nude one – we don’t want to give harper any ideas for his next pose with Jugglebug in the faces gallery…

Wimp! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

uni57 (Dave)
P.S. - You didn’t pick the one I liked most… :frowning:

Yay! That’s the one I went for…

It’s because you called us dumb… :wink:


I’d definately have to go with the one with the blue background. Asesome shot.
