I’m sick of trying to choose an avatar so I’m asking for some help. Which of these is the best?
p.s. If you’re wondering what that 3rd one is, it’s a very short hand wheel walking attempt. It’s taken from a video and somehow by the next frame, my hands are out.
I like the hand-wheel-walking one (as is). And since you attracted attention to it, I think you like that one too. It’s funny.
Also, the words “hand-wheel-walking” and “serious” CANNOT be used in the same sentence. But I agree with GILD’s sentiment – poking fun at yourself is usually a Good Thing.
uni57 (Dave)
P.S. - Maybe the answer will come to you in a (unicycle) dream.
The jury will disregard my previous response. I have a better idea…
Since WE are the ones who have to look at your avatar every time you post, I think that WE should decide which one you use.
Why don’t you finalize your choices, if you haven’t already, then make a poll. And whatever we choose, you have to use for at least one month. (decide how long the poll should last – like maybe three days)
You are a “regular” here – people will indulge you. And if they think it’s a stupid poll, then you can blame me.
How about it? Or are you chicken?
And if you are really brave, throw in one embarrassing picture (I don’t know – let your mother pick a baby picture or something). I promise I won’t vote for it.
uni57 (Dave)
P.S. - If you use a baby picture, don’t use a nude one – we don’t want to give harper any ideas for his next pose with Jugglebug in the faces gallery…