Where the band "Black Sabbath" got their name!

It is a known fact that Ozzie and his group named their band “Black Sabbath”, after seeing the old Boris Karloff classic horror trilogy of the same name. Here’s just a short clip from the third episode entitled, “A drop of water”.

I remember seeing this as a kid and it scared the holy crap out of me, and gave me nightmares for like a year! :astonished: Seeing it again still gives me shivers! It’s damn scary to watch alone on a dark, rainy night. Short of that, turn off the lights, turn off your TV or radio/stereo/ipod/whatever, and watch the clip in large screen mode with the sound up.

Just three more threads and you’ll reach 300 for this user… wow I’m not sure that thats a good thing. You do realize thats nearly one a day. I bet by the end of the weekend you get there.

his name is Ozzy :slight_smile:

I was talking about Ozzie Nelson, from Ozzie & Harriet! They were hard core into heavy metal before Ozzy!:wink:


I love their tv reality show, the Nelson’s!! :sunglasses:

Just saw this again and it’s still scary! :astonished: :astonished: :astonished:

I remember seeing this as a kid and it still is scary today! Very atmospheric and it was the 3rd part of a “trilogy of terror”. This is the end part. A lady mortician is called to the house of an old gypsy fortune teller who has died. As she is preparing the body, she steals the dead lady’s ring. This is what follows after she leaves the house and goes back home. Don’t watch it alone, or in the dark! If so, do it at your own risk! :astonished:

This made me crack up. In my opinion, the scariest things in movies are where something normal has been distorted and mutilated in a scary manner.

lol im usually scared by anything but for some reason i just found that funny to watch.I think i must have grown up lol

Does it still count if I just watched the newer X-Files movies, its now 2am, and I just watched both of those clips? :slight_smile: