Whats the Longest Rail Grinded?

its a round rail…

32 set, round rail :astonished: thats sick

Take a picture of it and post it?


ok…i hardly get to go into to town and ride so next time im in that area ill take a pic…so it might be a while before i get pics posted if u really want to see them that bad…

i really want to see it.

If we’re getting away from unicycles, two videos come to mind, the 666 foot grind, and the 33 kink grind, both on blades

Ah I had the picture of the rail on my phone but I deleted it because it was getting full. I should have posted it first…

yeah, 60’s big but… this is just some local skaters from around here.

It’s a 75 set.


Here is a pic of the 32 set…


yeah thats the rail…its big…

i grinded that 32 before, its pretty weak. after 3 times i was bored with it

this guy on blades does a really long one
but i remember seeing a video years ago of a blader who does a rail that is at least a few hundred meters long, it was nuts.