what is a chode?

What you call the “gooch” can also be referred to as a choda, but not a choad, or a chode. Carefull.

I have also heard taint, barse, nacho, notcha, grundle, and scranus used for the same area.

OK, the tread won’t die.

Or if you pull your Gray’s Anatomy off the shelf: Perineum

From now on, all discussion of unicycler’s saddle soreness shall be referred to as perineal pain or irritation. :roll_eyes:

Edit: Come to think of it: “Pain in the perineum” has quite a ring to it.

You mean crotch rot?

Re: what is a chode?

On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 18:51:55 -0600, “Dylan Wallinger” wrote:

>I have also heard taint, barse, nacho, notcha, grundle, and scranus used
>for the same area.

Wow, you must’ve been talking about this a lot. :slight_smile:

Klaas Bil - Newsgroup Addict

“Deflating pi does not reduce calories, it just concentrates them. - billham”

Nice thread. When will it die?

ilovejynx has posted a grand total of four times. All about chode. There. I’ve said it. Chode.

And he didn’t even mention unicycling. A spamming, trolling, nonnie chode. Please dispose of this thread.

Re: Re: what is a chode?

Maybe it’s like the Eskimos, who have 30 different words for “snow”. Unicyclists should have multiple names for describing that place of maximum “saddle soreness”.

My suggested name for that place is Shirley, as in it will “surely be sore tomorrow”.

it is easy to do big drops with a chode, that way my package never flies under my ass and gets crushed when i land. and yes i do unicycle, i just love jynx from pokemon. you gotta a problem with that? i thought this was a unicyclist forum where unicyclists could talk about there unicycles and tuna cans.

I always wanted to use this

Lock it up.

Old Thread What is a Choad?

Very interesting thread.

I heard the word in an old episode of Beavis and Buthead. Buthead called Beavis a Choad Smoker! After some research I discovered that Choad is the Middle English word for Penis.

Chode nowadays is used interchangeable with Taint and Penis and Putz.
It was actually made common again by Mike Judd for his use of it in Beavis and Buthead.


The example for #4 from the link above is funny and weird to hear someone say. :smiley:

Actually, a choad is an amphibian, very similar to a fwog, except that it has more angular features, a blunter snout, and a “warty” skin. Choads were popular as familiars for witches and warlocks.

A familiar is a small animal, such as a cat, fwog or choad, that follows the witch or warlock everywhere, or sometimes sits behind a witch on her bwoomstick. The other definition (as per Urban Dictionary) is based on a misunderstanding of this. The choad is the thing you find behind the warlocks…