What happened to the unicyclist multimeda archive?

I was shocked to see that the unicyclist multimedia archive has disappeared. It used to be at unicyclist.org (now there is a page on betting) and contained short videos of nearly every trick from the standard skill list. This was a great resource for learning new tricks.
Does anyone know what happened to it? And even more important: what happened to all of the content?

Archive views:

You’ll have to ask @Gilby if he has all this content (mostly the videos) and could send us a zip file or something containing them.

All I had was the forum’s content and nothing more.

We won’t be able to add some kind of interactivity here, but we can definitively make a wiki to list again all the mount and tricks with video links included (if they’re light enough).

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The Unicyclist.org was from @leo

Unfortunately he has not signed in here since the relaunch.

Oh, I misread, I thought it was unicyclist.com. Sorry for the annoyance Gilby :slight_smile:

His website seems to be https://unicycle.show; you can contact him from here I guess? There’s a (barely readable) email address. :slight_smile:

I just texted him.


During pandemics it’s hard to find jobs as a unicyclist. Still not impossible. But not enough to pay all bills. Then priorities are being chosen automatically by time and events. So with regret I allowed it to expire.

The videos will return on https://unicycle.how
The blog will return on https://unicycle.blog
Shouldn’t be too difficult revive it, or at least make it accessible.
The video files however probably need to be converted to MP4, since Flash is death now.
But I’m sure at least the USA levels / classic IUF levels were already processed.
Also the standard skill pages never were adjusted to the new skill list.
Anyway, I will keep you posted.


Thanks for the news!

That’s good news.
Maybe you can ask here in the forum for help with converting if you need some.

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+1 :wink:

That’s a shame - it will no doubt be relegated to being some spam or another for eternity now.

I suspect that whatever organisation has it now will want at least 4 figures for a purchase - they normally do.

I have one anecdote about this.

Someone founded a huge online community starting in 1994.
Besides his community websites, he also had a personal blog he maintained from 2001 until 2013.
He was diagnosed with an incurable, very painful muscle disease in 2010. He committed suicide in 2013. Since he was dead, I quickly saved a static version of his blog, who contained tons of information (thousands of articles and pictures). I made the save “just in case”.

His blog remained online for almost a decade, but in February, the domain and hosting expired. The domain was quickly taken over and is now cybersquatted. It was very sad news for his family, friends, and community.

Fortunately, since I had a backup of his blog, I managed to discuss with his family to have their authorization to re-host the blog on another domain. They all agreed and told me that undoubtedly what the deceased person would have wanted too.

So, I put it back online after fixing some stuff to make it work at best, and everyone was extremely glad (especially his mother) that the blog, sort of, rose from his ashes, just a month ago. I also shared a copy of all the files so anyone could host the blog by themselves if something had to happen to me or the current domain it’s hosted on.

Of course, all old links on the internet still point toward the old, cybersquatted link… But I at least fixed those on Wikipedia. :smile:


Any updates on this @leo ?