What do U use?

I was just wondering, what size wheel is Kris holm using in the muni sections (i think in the second section of muni, ‘26 miles per’ hour start to play)? Is it 24" or 26"? I’m guessing that Dan heaton rides a 26" Pashley at some point?
Lets broaden the question out.

What Wheel size/ tyre rim combo do all of you out there use for muni?

mine is a 24".

I stood it up today mext to my mountain bike wheel and the uni wheel is bigger. The Uni wheel is 24" with a 3" Nokian Gazzaloddi
and the bike has a 26" wheel with a 2.1" velociraptor.


my wheel is 26"

and i use a Gazz jr. 2.6

As soon as my Muni comes (on wednesday) I’ll be using a 24" wheel, with a 2.6" Gazz.
-David Kaplan


i was wondering, what frames r u using with ure big muni tyres?. I too am torn wether to go 4 24 or 26" for pure muni, as i already have a trials uni. Wots my best bet, frame, tyre and rim combo

Just a thought, could you get a 26" frame and 2 wheelsets, one being 24" and the other 26"? Would this be practical, or just awkward? Just a thought though.
-David Kaplan

I’ve got a Bedford Uni with a 24" rim (although I’m thinking Sun Doublewide or RhynoLite) and a 2.6 Stout tire.