I was at a church pool party and there I was minding my own business when one of the adults(note not a kid an adult ) pushed me into the pool not realizing that my cell phone was in my pocket… After some research I saw how people baked them at 125 F in the oven for 5 hours and then it started working again… Anyone tried this and did it work, or have a similar story?
here’s the site:
Make the person that pushed you in the phone pay for the cost of replacing the phone. Just to be a jerk. I bet you’ll never have someone push you into a pool again.
he offered to pay for it, he’s a nice guy just acts crazy at times.
I’ve done it.
See this thread - http://www.unicyclist.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=36814&highlight=mobile
I also read the article you read and did exactly that. I wasn’t sure whether or not it would work as I baked it in the oven about 2 weeks after it happened. One thing, don’t be too worried if the LCD screen is brown when you take it out. Once it cools down it should start to look as good as new.
It’s now half a year later and my 3 (or so) year old cheap phone that’s been completely submerged in water for 30 seconds still works fine.
One more thing…if it was a salt or chlorine pool (mine was both) you MUST rinse it out really well. If you don’t all the circuits and connections and stuff will corrode. Don’t be afraid of getting it wet a second time to rinse it because if you don’t rinse it it’s hardly worth baking in the oven. I first held it under the tap for a while to get the bulk of the salt and chlorine out, then filled the sink and submerged it and shook it around a lot under the water. This was all done with the battery removed though, I’m pretty sure.
well I just washed it in some tap water, it felt weird to purposely cause havoc on something that you own… I’ll check in the morning to see how it looks. My parents think its a crazy idea to bake it but I’m going to do it anyway and hope for the best.
Definitely bake it. I did a fair bit of reading up on the ‘procedure’ before baking mine and lots of people (the vast majority, myself included) had complete success.
You may have read in the article you posted that this is the same thing that the people who repair water-logged mobiles do.
Baking it is jsut to dry it out faster, as long as you get it turned off quickly, and get the battery removed, and make sure it’s completely dry before try to turn it on you shoudl be fine.
I regularly clean my computer keyboard with water. The only way water would hurt it is if it causes it to short circuit, or if the salt/chlorine causes it to corrode.
what are you doing that gets your keyboard so messy regularly?
Enjoying the cell phones after they’ve been baked. They get kinda crummy.
I noticed a problem today, my oven only goes down to 170… so I need to be creative with heating it up, I might paint something black put it outside then position mirrors around it, I’m not sure yet.
i tried that, and water still leaks out the dvd drive everytime I put the screen down
all right, so I heated it put by putting it by the computer for a while and it works! Only like 2 of the buttons have to be pressed kinda firmly but other than that it works normal.
Yeah, my number 3 button has to be pushed firmly too. I was worried that it would continue to get worse but if anything it’s gotten better.
I haven’t made any lacto-fermented milk products recently, but I seem to recall… (and yes, I’m in the correct thread – this is strangely related to a wet cell phone)…
The oven is a well-insulated, heat-retaining box with an incandescent light (read: “small heat source”). Light bulbs waste a lot of energy in the form of heat. This can warm up the oven to around 85 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit (your mileage may vary). Just leave the oven light on and close the oven door. I don’t know if this will dry out a cell phone, but it’s a good place to make Kefir.
(also – next time, put your phone in the computer.)
possibly related…
i just learned how not to burn garlic bread.
heat your empty oven to 450. turn it off. insert bread. take out when temperature gets cool.
The washing machine!
My Nokia went right through the washing machine, while on, and still working when it came out!
Lesson: Nokia 3210i: very robust phone…