Was this site down over the past day?

Has unicyclist.com been down for the past day?

I tried it off and on and it kept timing out. My connection to other sites seemed fine.

I see posts were made by others here. Was it just not working for me?

Yeah! it was just you, cuz Gilby doesn’t want you here :smiley:

That makes me feel special.
You Wal-Mart greeters always know the right thing to say.

it wasn’t working for me either…

Looks like Gilby had it in for both me and muniorbust… I had the same problem.

Holy Cr#p! that was the longest this site has been down since I joined 4 years ago! I was in contact with Gilby and he said yesterday that he was “switching platforms”, and that it should be back up in a few minutes. I think it was down close to 24 hours! At least for me and maybe most on the West Coast. Can you say Uni-forum withdrawal?! :astonished: :stuck_out_tongue:

To make my day even more frustrating, I was supposed to get my new KH 36er today-rescheduled from yesterday-, and it didn’t arrive! I called ups and they said they couldn’t find it!!! I told them to PLEASE track it down and call me, which they did a little later. They said it ended up at the wrong ups location and that I “should get it by Monday”.

I told them I would just go to that location and pick it up, and they said they don’t allow pick ups there, so today just sucked all around. Oh well, at least they found it! :slight_smile:

I’m glad it wasn’t just me. It was down and that was lousy timing since I couldn’t ride yesterday or today. I spent last night drinking a gallon of crap to clean me out for a very fun medical procedure today, and was disappointed I couldn’t sign on. So I ended up going to UDC and buying some stuff instead. That was pretty fun.

Seriously, no kidding! I didn’t know where else to waste my time! :smiley:

I almost made this thread myself when the site went back up.

Wasn’t working for me either.
Neither were any of his websites besides tinyurl.

You wouldn’t be going through withdrawal if you weren’t so heavily addicted.

:astonished: he is a super star on that site!!! :astonished:

It didn’t work yesterday for me either, when in doubt I always use this site to find out if it’s just my internet being lame.

Thanks for outing unigeezer’s secret life!!!