Wanted (Maybe) 3 juggling clubs.

Hello all. I hope this thread is ok. I didn’t post in trading post section because it says all non-unicycling items will be removed.

I was wondering if anyone had any NICE 3 set juggling clubs for sale.
I do not mind if they are used as long as they are pretty new.
I would like them for CHEAP please. Under 25 dollars if possible.

I don’t know anything about clubs and would like to start on them. Along time ago i posted about buying some but i never have.
Pics would also be nice. Just reply or pm me.

Thanks, Kelly.

P.S. I would like the seller to be in the USA.

Here are some reasonable clubs on eBay. Brand new and under $20.

clubs on eBay

These are the type of club I learned with.

Shipping is $7.95

So those are pretty good? I might look into them.

those are fine clubs for learning with, but once you get better you will most likely want to pick up some better clubs (which run at about $30.) For learning, though, those clubs will be fine.

What about the Dube airflight?

Or these?

Beard clubs.

I know they are a little more expensive.

It’s all about how much you’re willing to spend. the airflites will last you a long time, because theyre solid plastic, and not very nice to your hands. I’ve never owned any beard clubs, but i believe theyre pretty good. I would probably start off with a cheap set like the one on ebay, then figure out if you want to buy some better clubs. In that case, it’s good to buy clubs that are compatible with other jugglers’ clubs (if you want to pass with them.) I have Henrys Euro clubs, and they seem to get along with a lot of other Euro clubs.
Im out for the day, so i wont be able to reply again til later tonight.

If you are not sure if you really like juggling clubs, then just get any old cheap set to try, but if you plan to learn passing and want clubs that are comfortable, durable, and have a nice balance, then think about spending a little more. I personally learned on a set of beard clubs, but later bought a set of Henry’s clubs, which have a really nice balance and feel. Also for some reason I think clubs with silver handles are way nicer than clubs with white handles (but they do cost more). Serious juggling (linked to in the post above) is a great place to order things from.

I thought about the Dube airflight but i called the guy at seriousjuggling(who is really nice) and he said for a little more i could get the Beard Circus Special. They have rubber ends and soft handles. Anyone ever tried these??

After all my looking i believe that i am going to go with the Beard Circus Special clubs. They look of nice quality and they say that the handles are softer than Dube airflights.

Now all i got to do is found the 3 colors i want.

the beard circus specials are nice clubs
u may want to look into the Mr Babache clubs if u’re on a budget

while it is fair thinking to get something cheap while u learn/figure out if u like juggling clubs, bear in mind that crappy clubs are more difficult to juggle than semi-decent ones
try n avoid the one-piece clubs if at all possible

and buy Radical Fish instead

check them out

I don;t knwo what to buy. I thought about buying the beard circus specials. whats everyone think about them?

They really are of reasonable quality (the beard clubs that is - I have a set of them, except the version with silver handles), they just don’t have quite the same feel as my henrys clubs. The only problem I know with the beard clubs is a couple of mine started rattling, but could be easily fixed by taking them apart and using a little tape to make everything fit better.

Those cheap juggling clubs the ones at the begginning of the thead. Those are not good, I learned on them. They are unibody, which means they are just on long piece of durable plastic. So they will hurt your hands after about 1 hour. Also they don’t last. The tape around the handle, will come off, and the bottom cap thing will pop off. They also are not really evenly weighted. I recommend Dube Europeans, which are 35.00 a piece, but they are defianetly worth it and they will last you forever. If you don’t want to pay that much the Airflites are nice. I think they cost 15.00 a piece, I recommend getting 3. But if you are serious club juggler, I would eventually upgrade to Europeans or Phatboyz. But if you get the clubs that were on sale at Ebay.com that was in the beggining of this thread don’t expect much of them, they are also very short, and light weight. And they probably will only last you one week, depending on how much you use them.

Go with Beard

I agree with most of what has already been said - I learned with the Beard circus specials, and also had the rattling problem in the handle. Also, they seem a bit light compared to the clubs other people had that I had seen. I ended up getting the Dube Phatboyz and am quite happy with them. However, I do believe the Beards are very decent and were fine to learn with for me. The real reason I wanted heavier clubs was I hoped it would improve my passing because everyone else’s clubs were heavier. Now I don’t get to spend much time with other jugglers anyway, so I doesn’t really matter.
Basically, I suggest that for the money, the Beards are a good bet.

Hope that helps a little,

since this is my first post - a brief uni/juggling bio:
Own 1 20" Torker - I believe CX - had it a few years, after trying and giving up on and off for quite a while, finally really getting into it and can ride close to a mile fairly consistently, idle a bit, starting to work on hopping, juggle while riding forward - occasionaly managing a few throws while idling.
Decent at 3 balls/clubs and some tricks (fancier tricks with balls)
Basic 4 ball
Trying with very little success to get the hang of 5 balls.

Re: Go with Beard

welcome to the fora

that’s one more of us and one less of them

a handy practise tip that can help improve your idling/juggling is to practise idling with your arms tightly crossed against your chest
as u get better at idling with minimal use of your arms to help correct the balance, your idling/juggling will improve

Thank you for the welcome and the advice. I shall try that.


Re: Re: Go with Beard

Idling and juggling at the same time is tricky. I can’t do it yet. I can juggle 3 balls in a low pattern OK while riding forwards. I can even turn to the left and to the right while juggling. But doing the juggling thing while idling messes me up.

I’ll be idling nicely then start to try to juggle and my nice smooth idle turns into a hyperactive mess. As soon as I throw the balls up the idle changes frequency and gets all fast and choppy.

I do need to practice. Taking things in smaller steps may be necessary. Start with just throwing one ball back and forth while idling and see how that goes. It’ll be like learning to juggle all over again.

Re: Re: Re: Go with Beard

my idling/juggling breakthru only came when i started passing clubs on the uni and suddenly realised that it worked better if i did a mini-stilstand while passing, and using the time inbetween (passing in 4-count,ie. ‘pass-and-self-and-pass-and-self’) to correct my balance
when i started incorporating mini-stilstands in my idling/juggling, i started improving with leaps and bounds

u do need to seperate hands and feet completely
hence the need for practising so the brain gets bored with interfering and eventually allows the body to just do it

I’m sure I’ve read somewhere on this forum that you have to idle and juggle with different rhythms and it helps to teach yourself how to do this (Can’t remember how though).
I can do the juggling thing but I’m not good enough at uni’ing to do it on my uni. It’s always been the plan tho’. That’s why I’m trying to learn to idle almost as soon as I’ve learned to ride.

Well I sent in the money order today for my Beard circus juggling clubs… I got 1 red 1 blue and 1 yellow. I hope i will enjoy them.

I got camp all next week so won;t be here when they arrive. UGH. Can;t wait till i try them out though.