Video: The Flying Circus

“The Flying Circus” muni trail, Mt Fromme

Featuring David Weichenberger from Austria, who was in Union.
When he saw Circus, David said “Canadians are crazy!”

Riders: Kris, David, AnSo, JamesG, JamesH, Ryan, Tynan, Jon, Jeanine and Frank.

Youtube version


Nice! Some of that stuff is pretty crazy!
Was it Kris Holm?

Man, if I had trails like those around my house I would be more into muni!!!

Great Vid!!

What doesn’t come across in the video is how crazy slippery it was. By far the most slippery I’ve ever seen. You can kind of tell in that scene where everyone is tentatively walking across that big log, but everywhere was nuts. Everyone had at least a few falls just walking. Sometimes you would step on a rung and if it wasn’t flat your foot would start sliding off the side and there was nothing you could do about it. (Although David took advantage of it by griding that skinny :slight_smile: )… Lots of fun!

Unfortunately the camera left 3/4 of the way down so some great stuff at the end was missed… like David stand-up gliding down part of the trail :slight_smile:

It was great to meet David and ride with everyone, hopefully he makes it out again soon. A SUPER nice guy and fantastic rider.

the course looked extremely wet :astonished:

that looks soo scary to ride up that high…
i miss david :frowning:

Wow thats awesome. There were some nice saves when falling off the tall things.

Not that I wasn’t jealous before, but now it’s over.

[Sarcasm ON] Don’t torture me with such nice videos [/Sarcasm OFF]. If I’ll find the time and money I’m now forced to visit Vancouver,

Anyway, really great riding and I guess it looked easier than it actually was (not that it looked easy though).

does david w. always ride muni with a trials? or is it just cause he’s travelling around the US?

Yeah, he only has his trials with him.

Im glad that David made it up there. He was pretty excited when he stayed with me and we were talking about him going up there. He is such a great rider. Good at everything.

Sweet video too. Love it!

Some of those lines looked extremely hard (or risky) even if they would have been dry and grippy :astonished:

What’s been the largest turnout for one of your muni rides?

yeah, he’s wearing the white helmet.

Then go build some! :sunglasses: (just make sure it’s O.K. first)

11 was biggest turnout at DeepCove, which is a combination of trials and easy muni.

Sunday, North Vancouver had its centennial, and I was surprised to find a display featuring Kris. Photo attached


Sunday, North Vancouver had its centennial, and I was surprised to find a display featuring Kris.

11 is our highest attendence, if you count DeepCove as ‘muni’.
We average 6.1 this year for muni rides.
10 of our 22 rides this year have been muni. 45.5%
18 riders have been out.
Tynan has been to 18 rides.
I’ve been to, and therefore filmed, 17 rides.

Here’s a pie chart


Good to see some MUni, way to less muni videos on the net :).

I must travel to Vancouver one day also, the lines looked so nice.

David uses a his trials for MUni all the time, only in the Downhill Race at Unicon he choosed a 24 inch.