Video - Easy Riding

Jason - really nice job editing. Of course Ryan is so good it almost edits itself, no? :slight_smile: Really enjoyed watching.


dude, that was gnarly (ahaha skater talk) :stuck_out_tongue:
but seriously, that was a wiked vid, a movie that went straight into the greatest vid file :slight_smile:

i noticed ryan’s KH Trials creaked a hell of alot, whats with that ?
my kh creaks a bit, but i think its coz of the spokes being loose, they r gettin tightened soon newayz, but wen there wasnt music near the end, u could hear a fair bit of creaking coming from his uni.

but wat do u expect the uni to do, wen ur owner is Ryan Atkins ahaha!

my god! Is Kris Holm that good?

LOL, in some ways the editing was more challenging this time around. There was actually too much good footage! I’ve never had that problem before. :slight_smile: Quite a bit of decent stuff didn’t make it in for various reasons. Maybe they’ll show up in a future video.

Yeah, there’s always something creaking on his unicycle. Most likely it’s the splines and spokes. The parts just can’t cope with all the stress his riding puts them under.

Thanks again for all the comments!


riding was awesome as usual, filming was well done. But i felt the video was missing flow. Might have been the music, or just the waythe clips were set up.

Solid video though, thx for that.


Amazing grace…

It is amazing what human body can deliver having appropriate driver.
Hell of a lot more courrage than boxing bout is needed and precision too.:smiley:

Easy Riding on now

I just want to let you know thats we put it also on now.
Thx for it once again.

Amazing riding, once again. Video has gone into the educational map, which is what I usually use Ryan Atkins video’s for, run them in Quicktime, frame by frame, gives you an excellent view of how he executes his jumps. Amazing trial lines too, wish I had half of those lines. (I’m going to Amsterdam soon, should be some nice lines there, and Rotterdam is getting a visit too.)

…wow. Simply amazing. Incredible riding on Ryan’s part, good editing on Jason’s part.

Re: Video - Easy Riding

On Thu, 12 Jan 2006 07:47:03 -0600, Erant wrote:

>I’m going to Amsterdam soon, should be some nice lines there

Maybe you should contact John Bruinen via his site
<>, he used to do city trials in Amsterdam quite
often and probably still does.

The one foot on the chain was great. Its got 3 hard moves all in one… none of mortals can do.
I also like the hop onto a railing and just rolling over it… very smooth.

Good job on the filming/editting. I hope we see more from you.

Yeah the still stand on the chain was awesome, and some of those jumps were really high.

Great lines, very smooth

What programme did you edit it in?

Just awesome! I have no words… those hops… sick! :smiley:

amazing video. even more amazing rider.

wow, I’m impressed- its very well put together xD
I like how hes so consistent and smooth with his jumps and everything! He never seems to waver before he hops- very impressive xD


wow amazing video good editing good music amazing riding you have great skill that chain balancing was insane! good job :slight_smile:

dude… hes alive…


lol yes i am hello everyone im sorry i left for awhile hopefully everyone remembers me