Video: 30-day compilation

Five videos compressed into this one 2:28 sec video showing my progess over a 30-day period, from 1/18/07-2/18/07. I thank everyone for their advice and suggestions as you have really helped me to improve! :smiley:

Wowā€¦ youā€™re learning at a blistering pace! Nice variety of skills.
Whats the record for stairs? Iā€™m guessing theres a limit and youā€™re approaching it.

Well, my own record is a long-ish 7-set. Iā€™m deciding whether I will try an 8-set! This particular 8-set Iā€™m thinking about seems waaaay high and waaay scarier than the 7! That is some serious s#@t!:smiley: If I do it, I really want to do a ā€œtire-grabā€ on the way down to make it look better. :sunglasses:

Great progression. You are definitely one of the riders whose ability I aspire to match

It would make any drop look better, as would shifties, 180ā€™s, 360ā€™s, etc.

I think it would be a big step to go from an air tire grab (have you done one yet? If so I havenā€™t seen it on any of your vids) to one down a set of stairs, let alone an 8-set.

I think you should work on doing a wide assortment of rolling tricks down fewer stairs, like one to four, and make them consistently and smooth. It would look really cool and be safer. Also try to ride down that 150 set when your KH 20 arrives.

7 stairs the record? no offense, but people sidehop that (many people)

thing is with stair sets, you are good at them, for the way you do them. you donā€™t seem to hop at all. you just roll off and hope for the best. if you practice rolling hops a little and jump right as you leave the top you will get much much MUCH farther, and landing that way is easier for me.

i have done 11 and cleared it by 3 feet or so into sand.

I think he was asking what was my record, haha! And I said a 7-setā€¦thatā€™s my record. Of course Iā€™m sure thereā€™s some who could rolling hop a 15-set, but certainly not I! :smiley:

Itā€™s also probably a bit easier to get more height/distance with a lighter smaller 19" trials like you have, than it is for me with my bigger, heavier 24" muni (more like a 26 with the giant Gazz!) YEah I can side hop a 6-set, but I prefer the rolling hop and also I like to get lots of speed! Itā€™s just a rush to be hurling through the air! :sunglasses:

PS: Thatā€™s a super cool shot of you doing that set into the sand! At least if you fell youā€™d have some good ā€œcusionā€ from all that sand!

stairs are way easier to ride down on a 24" uni every day of the year.

i didnā€™t direct that at you, you are one of the best if not THE best in your age group, i was just correcting the earlier post. I think the record is a shallowish 13 set, but that may not have been stuck.

Skrobo, are you trying to shit on his parade?
He is not 17 with a huge ego. He is 51 and learning fast. I give my respects to you UniFart!

Whoa! That would be so cool to see on video! But again dudeā€¦your drop down that HUGE set was amazing! Especially with that tire grab! Youā€™re my new stairmaster idol!:smiley: Btw, was that a 12-set???

Danni! Hahaha! I keep watching that jackass clip and it cracks me UP! Did you see JA2? Me and friends went to see it when it came out and we laughed so hard we almost got kicked out!:D:D:D

The only set Iā€™ve attempted to ride down is a very mild 3 stairs and Iā€™ve only attempted it on my DX w/ a 24X2" tire and 170 cranks. Itā€™s easier to ride down curbs though with my 20 w/ a 2" tire and 152 cranks, so I thought itā€™d also be easier to ride down a set of stairs w/ similar wheel crank sizes. Also youā€™d be falling from lower height and speed, so UPDā€™s would be safer and less scary.

Skyroā€¦ nice photos. Cool idea doing it onto sandā€¦ less painful.

Geezerā€¦ looks like theres nothing stopping you, just yet. Try not to break a leg.

When I actualy ride down stair sets, I like to ride down them pretty fast. If I ā€œbabyā€ each step and go to slow, I usually get tripped up easier, so now I just blast down them. My next challenge is to do this one-footed! but for that I wouldnā€™t want to go that fast!:stuck_out_tongue:

11 if you count the step almost buried in the sand.

yeah next time I go there, im going to do it onto something that I can really land on.
like a board or something. (maybe a skimboard just to make it tough)

Canā€™t tell from the photo, but how much ā€œlead inā€ did you have, and did you need a lot of speed to get up that high and the distance?


I didnā€™t have too much, i came from an angle and turned like a madman to hit the stairs right(added up to 30 feet or so). I was probably going about 2/3 speed of my fastest comfortable rolling hop. The height at that distance is because I did as far of a rolling hop as I possibly could and ended up in that spot.
just-so-you-know, that picture is mirrored left to right because it is a video frame, im going to make a short video of me rolling hopping some things because thats all i can do 1/2 decentlyā€¦ i suck at tricks. and I did it 3 times, landed exactly the same each time, but the tire grab was the last time. I noticed that on that jump, i was in the air for long enough that it didnā€™t seem to change much at all(except coolness).

Terry your one lean mean video producing machine!

Not only has your riding improved greatly your video editing and filming has also gone up by a good few notches.

I aspire to be that good now let alone when Iā€™m in my 50ā€™s!

Keep em coming.

Good work man.

Well, the rain stopped me and my friend from riding muni todayā€¦although we still tried! Within literally moments after getting started on the trail, our tires ( 24x3 Gazz) became so caked with clay-like mud, that the wheels suddenly seized because the thick clay stuck to EVERYTHING, and the tires became like double in size and couldnā€™t turn, especially in my case with the brakes in the way! Bad, bad! My Muni felt like it weighed at least 10 pounds heavier! Well, thereā€™s always tomorrow!:smiley:

Thanks.:slight_smile: I have some new ideas that Iā€™m working on for my next vid; it will be quite a depature from the other vids!:smiley: