Vertical Extension/Exercise.

I have been wanting to increase my vertical for basketball. I think it would be cool to be only 5’8 and be dunking like no other. I can get rim right now. I want to increase my vertical by a couple inches to be able to dunk.

Do any of you know some exercises to help strengthen your calf muscles without using equipment or weights? I have been jumping rope alot and wearing ankle weights around. Thanks for all the help. KH.

I would put a trampoline about six feet away from the hoop.


Hmmmm. LOL any other suggestions?

when going up stairs go 3/4 at a time :smiley:

go to a local gym, and ask the guy there for help.

Yeah but we live in an extremely small town with no gym. LOL. Hmmm. Thanks for trying. More suggestions?

Back when I used to play hoops, I saw someone wearing some of these once. I don’t know if they helped, but he seemed to be able to jump pretty high “for a white guy.” :wink:

I’m not sure if wearing weights will necessarily make you jump higher because jumping uses fast twitch muscles, whereas the weights tend to build your slow twitch muscles. But I’m no expert in the matter.

Also, not only do you need strong muscles, but they need to be coordinated and balanced for your jumps to be optimal. So I think the best thing you can do is to keep practicing jumping high. That’s all that I did. I’m 5’9", and at my jumping peak years ago I could just barely dunk a 10’ rim.

or go to a gym and practice until you can jump onto the roof.

jump rope. seriously blasts your calves. also, you’re going to need more than just a couple inches to be able to dunk. you ahve to be able to get an inch or two past your wrist above the rim. touching the rim is pretty good for a guy your size, but dunking is 8-12 inches of vertical away. but jumping rope will help quite a bit.

Another good one is to stand with the ball of one foot on a step, and lift your bodyweight up and down using your ankle and calf muscles. Do this a few thousand times on each foot and it might help :slight_smile:

This thread included a bunch of suggested exercises.
It also explains why Harper is the main man of one or two posters here.

THanks for all the help. ANy more suggestions? KH.


Walk around your hous(to save the embarsment) with out leting your heel tuch the ground. About the ankle weights my dads friends son was a good track runner usaly place top 5 in all his races and so on his softmore year summer he put ankle weights on and didnt take them off till a little before senior year track seasion he toke them off. won every race and districks!