Vancouver Muni 'open house' weekend (Sept 5th - Sept 7th)

So it’s a bit of a short notice and not as big as initially planned (because life gets in the way…) but we’re still having a Muni weekend on labor day weekend.
So just in case some locals are not following the Vancouver mailing list…
The idea is to have something really simply organized for our first time :we just meet at the bottom of the trails

Here is the program:

  • Saturday the 5th:
    Mount Fromme, noon at the first gate, upper oilcan then pipeline
    Evening dinner at a restaurant on Lonsdale Quay

  • Sunday the 6th:
    Seymour, 10.30 am at the parking lot of Bean around the world, CBC
    Trials at a beach depending on when we finish

  • Monday
    beginner/intro Muni ride, time and place TBD

We can offer accommodations for people coming from far.
Do not hesitate to contact us for more details.

That is great to see more and more events in Vancouver.

To help out I put your event up on UniVision - Feel free to send us events, we are happy to add it to the event listings. If you get any videos or photos after the ride we will post them as well for you.

Have a great ride.

Thanks Pete! It should be a lot of fun and hopefully we’ll see some new people out.


I’m gonna get myself to head up to Canada for the weekend. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen the trails there, and that was only “Ladies Only”.

Awesome - see you this weekend John!

Here’s a group picture from our CBC ride.
From left to right, Andrew, Justin, Frank, Yves, AnSo, Brew, Kris, Ryan, John, & James.


I love the reflection photoshop effect on the ground. :smiley:

It was a fun ride 'n hike even if it was a bit wet.