I’ve started this thread because every juggling thread I´ve seen at Unicyclist.com is about juggling and not unicycle-juggling, what I´m most interested in. I hope myself and other people who are interested in unijuggling can meet and discuss juggling while unicycling!
I’ll be keeping an eye on this thread for tips. I unijuggle a little… my idling is somewhat scetchy, so mostly i juggle balls and clubs while riding in straight lines or shallow curves.
I find the clubs get away from me some when on a giraffe. Is it just psychological, like riding a giraffe, or is there someting about body movement and position up there that makes me constntly reach wildly for clubs.
I do a 3-mile loop while juggling 3 clubs–and have not worked on my idling. I have worked on my riding 1-foot, but was never able to toss a club under my leg while riding.
What about you?
The best way to improve and practise ‘under’ this trick is to practise idling with your arms folded.
That’ll allow you to develop the ability to idle without relying (too much) on waving your arms around for balance.
Once you can do that fairly comfortably, you’ll be able to perform actions requiring both your hands while you’re idling.
Something I found quite handy, especially uni-juggling on a raffie, is to do baby still-stands, interspersed with riding half-revs forwards and back.
(Does this make sense?)
Especially while passing, the timing will make more sense.
Still-stand while you pass (we’re in 4-count here, or PASS-SELF-SELF if you prefer) and idle while you’re ‘self-ing’.
Quite often you find that you actually idle yourself off the uni by making too many moves with the pedals.
Try n get used to only moving when you have to and the pattern will have some more space to become solid.
I hope this makes sense.
If it doesn’t, shout and I’ll try n express myself in English next time.
Hi there,
I’ve spent about a month working on my idling technique, and now I can get up to about 50 or 60 idles easily, so it’s time to stop counting and start working on my juggling!
To date, I have only made 9 successful catches of 3 clubs (clubs are easier than balls) whilst idling on my unicycle, but i keep trying and i will increase slowly.
Anybody got any tips for basic juggling whilst idling? What numbers can people go up to whilst idling?
Take care
I have been learning to juggle when unicycling. Before this week I could only do it in a straight line. Now I can do quite tight(ish) corners.
I have done 19 catches when idling (I think that was a fluke though cos it’s the only time I’ve been able to get above 10).
i can only juggle a little on my uni but i might be able to do it better than i think because the first and last time i tried it was winter and there was 2ft of snow (when i lived in Michigan)
Mark Watson: This is my best tricks with 4, 5 and 6 clubs while idling.
Billy said “but was never able to toss a club under my leg while riding.”
I have tried under the leg while idling, I think I managed one sometime.
Back to Marks question: What numbers can people go up to whilst idling?
/ emiL
As for idling, try putting most of your weight on the downward side leg, and make shorter back-and-forth idles. The leg on the up side is just there for stability and isn’t really pushing/pulling all that much.
That’s what I do when juggling and unicycling, although I only mix the two when I have to (as in, during a show where I get paid). Otherwise, I hate doing both at the same time. They just don’t seem to go together.
Oh well.
I can juggle on a bicycle too.
i aspire to juggle 3 clubs on the UW.
anyone got video of that?
Hi there,
Just a quick update - after working on my juggling whilst idling for about a month now, I’ve now reached the point of being able to do about 40-50 catches of 3 clubs on the unicycle. It wasn’t as hard as I had first thought, it just takes time as it is a bit of a slow process. However, now I’ve got to this level, I’m getting better a little quicker.
How’s everyone else doing with their unijuggling?
Take care
Still working on contoling my idling. But I’m getting good runs of 4 clubs while standing.
I was getting close, then I got sick, and went away, which put a big crimp in my practice. The main problem is the UW, and my endurance.