Unicyclists in the Kingston Ont. are

Just trying to find info on MUni and Uni clubs or riders in the Kingston area. If you are one or know of any others let me know. I am just getting back into the whole Uni thing and would like to meet people to ride with. Thanks, Beener:

Heya , I live in Bremerton i was also looking for any sort of club around my area. :wink:

The drive from Bremerton Washington USA to Kingston Ontario Canada is going to be a long one. :wink:

It’s a little bit longer than the ferry trip from Edmonds WA to Kingston WA.

I live in Bellevue, but my parents are in Port Townsend. I get across the sound to visit them. Perhaps we could figure out a muni ride or something in the Bremerton area next time I go to the parents place.

Jack Hughes is in Shelton, WA. I don’t have contact info for him. Anyone have his email? He’s about 18 or so. A very good unicyclist. He attempted the Seattle to Portland ride on a unicycle more than once (a 200 mile ride from Seattle to Portland, 100 miles each day).


Oh , heh theres two kingstons didnt know that I thought he was talking about the one in Washington heh , well im 15 and I guess im ok on a unicycle :). Im on level 4 currently. I have never really done any Muni but im looking forword to it whenever I get a chance. Im mostly freestyle considering around where I live theres mostly pavement. If any of you want to just ride togther sometime or anything like that sort. we might be able to work something out. I know by this summer for sure thats in about 2 months. If you need any more info or anything just email me. Sorry about the bad typing im just real tired. :o)

I’m from Kingston! (First year at Queen’s, I occasionally zip around campus/to A&P on my 20 inch uni when I’m in a rush and when the weather’s nice). I hope to get a faster unicycle this summer

I go to the Queen’s/Kingston Juggling Club on Saturday mornings at Biosci. I think there are two unicycling regulars there (me and Greg Phillips)

Thanks for the reply

We’ll have to hook up for a ride. I am going to T.O. to see the guy from www.bedfordunicycles.com about a new Uni. so I will try to get in touch with you then. Thanks again, Beener