Just trying to find info on MUni and Uni clubs or riders in the Kingston area. If you are one or know of any others let me know. I am just getting back into the whole Uni thing and would like to meet people to ride with. Thanks, Beener:
Heya , I live in Bremerton i was also looking for any sort of club around my area.
The drive from Bremerton Washington USA to Kingston Ontario Canada is going to be a long one.
It’s a little bit longer than the ferry trip from Edmonds WA to Kingston WA.
I live in Bellevue, but my parents are in Port Townsend. I get across the sound to visit them. Perhaps we could figure out a muni ride or something in the Bremerton area next time I go to the parents place.
Jack Hughes is in Shelton, WA. I don’t have contact info for him. Anyone have his email? He’s about 18 or so. A very good unicyclist. He attempted the Seattle to Portland ride on a unicycle more than once (a 200 mile ride from Seattle to Portland, 100 miles each day).
Oh , heh theres two kingstons didnt know that I thought he was talking about the one in Washington heh , well im 15 and I guess im ok on a unicycle :). Im on level 4 currently. I have never really done any Muni but im looking forword to it whenever I get a chance. Im mostly freestyle considering around where I live theres mostly pavement. If any of you want to just ride togther sometime or anything like that sort. we might be able to work something out. I know by this summer for sure thats in about 2 months. If you need any more info or anything just email me. Sorry about the bad typing im just real tired. :o)
I’m from Kingston! (First year at Queen’s, I occasionally zip around campus/to A&P on my 20 inch uni when I’m in a rush and when the weather’s nice). I hope to get a faster unicycle this summer
I go to the Queen’s/Kingston Juggling Club on Saturday mornings at Biosci. I think there are two unicycling regulars there (me and Greg Phillips)
Thanks for the reply
We’ll have to hook up for a ride. I am going to T.O. to see the guy from www.bedfordunicycles.com about a new Uni. so I will try to get in touch with you then. Thanks again, Beener