Unicyclists’ Film Club (PUNS)

I clearly have too much time on my hands to have come up with these film title puns.

Some may know the UK radio comedy show: I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue.

It has one “game” where the comedians/contestants have to come up with films/books that would appeal to a specific audience.

Plumbers’ Book Club
Firefighters’ Film Club

The films of course are then a play on words, on the titles of known, actual films.

So without further ado - here’s what I came up with (and please don’t judge - some puns are pretty awful, but I hope so awful they’re funny too) :sweat_smile:

The Lord of The Rims
The Hubbit
Good Wheel Hunting
Forest Bump
A FlickFlock Orange
Wheels of Desire
The Shortcrank Redemption
Edward Spokewrench Hands
MUni in Black
2001: A Spoke Odyssey
Jurassic Pump
Rim Man
Pump Fiction
MUni on The Bounty
Fight Hub
Eternal Sunshine of the Tubeless Mind

Less considered (good) puns… but who cares right?!?

The Maltese Unicon
The Hunt for Red Menace
Unicycle Thieves
No County For Old MUnis
The Good, The Bad and the UPD
Dial M for MUni
Rosemary’s Baby-unicycle
The Hub Locker
The Big Short-crank
The Dark NightRider
Charlie and The Tyre Factory
The 39 Spokes
Schlumpfin’ in the Rain
Blazing Handle Saddles



A FlickFlock Orange made me actually lol. Love it.

A Few Good Schlumpf


although it could also be a two-wheeled movie I throw in:
Tubeless in Seattle


John Wheel
Star Wheel

Haha Shortcrank Redemtion ! :smile:


drop in another one:
fifty shades of fail

Here are a few more for the mix from an ‘idle’ moment:

  • Close Encounters of the Ground Kind
  • Bridget Jones’s Unicycle
  • Cool Handlebar Luke
  • Invasion of the Uni Snatchers
  • Four Weddings and a Unicon
  • The Good, The Bad, and the UPD.
  • It’s a Wonderful Saddle
  • Rebel Without a Unicycle
  • Unicon 20: Judgement Day
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I love these and the fact great minds thought alike on the above! :joy:

Sorry, I didn’t see that in your original list – maybe it is more that fools seldom differ… :wink:

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How about-
The hunger frames
Shaw-crank redemption
agents of wheel


A few more suggestions…

Groundhug Day [after the above]
The gods must be unicyclists
One of our wheels is missing
Who framed Roger’s wheel?
Honey, I shrunk my cranks
Honey, I blew up my King George

… I’m stopping now

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How about:

  • The National Lampoon’s Unicon Vacation

… rich pickings if James Bond rode a unicycle (which given his talents he almost certainly can, probably with some special attachments…) – to start:

  • From UDC with Love
  • The Man with the Golden Schlumpf. (imagine how expensive one of those would be – wait, maybe they are already :wink: )
  • You only Fall Off Twice
  • No Time to UPD
  • On Her Majesty’s Secret Ultimate Wheel
  • The Crank-Flip is not Enough
  • Muni Another Day

I’ll leave it at that…