Unicycling Practice

WHat, only 4-5 hours in a week? When I was your age, I spent 3 hours DAILY
for a 3 week period before I was able to ride anywhere for an
appreciatable distance!


Re: Unicycling Practice

> WHat, only 4-5 hours in a week? When I was your age, I spent 3 hours DAILY
> for a 3 week period before I was able to ride anywhere for an appreciatable
> distance!
> Derrick
Pratice makes perfect, huh.

I am 35. Probably a bit old to start something new :-). My big problem is
keeping up enthusiasm for more that 30 minutes or so. I know I should pratice
1-2 hours at a time (I get good improvement after a 1/2 hour or so), but I get
bored with falling off.

I rember that when learning some of the harder juggling tricks (5 balls, club
back crossed) that long pratice session payed off (> 30 minutes), if I could
just force myself to continue. Mind you, 5 balls took me a year at 3-4 hours a
week to learn.


Re: Unicycling Practice

Shaun Arundell <shauna@au.ml.com> wrote:
>I am 35. Probably a bit old to start something new :-). My big problem is
>keeping up enthusiasm for more that 30 minutes or so. I know I should pratice
>1-2 hours at a time (I get good improvement after a 1/2 hour or so), but I get
>bored with falling off.

Thirty minutes 3-7 times a day is probably just fine when learning to ride.
(If you need to practice another 30 minutes for good improvement, then by all
means do so.) When you get to the point of learning to Free Mount and Turn,
you may want to spend just 20 minutes on each. When you get past Idling and
Backwards, there will be enough skills to “perfect” and new skills to learn to
fill 1-2 hours with as little as about 10 min. per skill (Not enough time to
get bored anymore).

Stay on Top,

Ken Fuchs <kfuchs@winternet.com

Re: Unicycling Practice

Boy, am I in pain. I have being learning on a borrowed uni with a crapy seat.
The seat has no padding and is all smashed at the front. The damage the seat has
done to my groin is unbeliveable. I have purple bruises for 1 foot on the inside
of both legs and can hardly walk.

I have ordered a new uni, but will take two weeks to arrive. Is it possible to
replace the seat ?. It is solid metal with no padding, attached to the uni shaft
with two clamp and two nuts. If I remove it, the shaft has no hole for screws or
anything. The uni is old but in good knick. I don’t know what type it is, but it
has a 20" wheel attached to a fork with rounded shoulders.

If any body has any suggestions about the seat (would have to be avaiable from a
common bike shop) let me know.
