Unicycling Events and Competitions Across the Globe

Boys and Girls,

Can anyone help me? Please say yes!
I’m looking for a list, if such a list exists, of events/competitions coming up in the next few months, up untill the end of the year.

Failing that, if everyone posts all the events/comps they know of or are going to then we should have a fairly comprehensive list.

Cheers in advance my people,


Unicon 14 in Denmark, in about 10 days i think. HUGE unicycling convention and competitions.

Unicon 15 in New Zealand, New years 2008/2009.

umm… Europe has a lot of conventions and things…

I think, in January, theres Madfest in Madison Wisconsin. Its around the end of the year.

From my speculation, thats around it for what i know.

anything other than that is sorta small town unicycle conventions. Just smaller groups and get togethers. I know Miles (mornish) has Cali Muni Weekend in California, but i dont know when that is.

Most german events are listed here: http://www.einradfahren.de/index.php?module=mod_events&action=index&menu_id=78
but at the moment there isnt much going on because of unicon

Jason, you muppet :p:


Roger usually knows whats hip and happening.

For international stuff, check the events page in Uni magazine.


Korea has two different all korean competitions, I will find out the dates if you are interested.

There is usually an annual Asian hockey tournament but I’m sure they would welcome teams from around the world.

I’m in Japan now so I will find out when the JUA hosts its competitions and if they allow foreign competitors.

There is OUI which usually happens every May on the second last weekend in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Toronto usually has an impromptu competition either during the summer or fall of every year.

Moab Muni Fest every March.

NAUCC in the U.S. every year (although it has been held in Canada)

Also for the unicon after New Zealand I hear that Korea is really hoping to hold it but I think they need to work out tensions between the two large unicycle associations before that I can happen.

Korea also has a lot of other events going on throughout the year like a Downhill race and trials events. Best not to forget the unicycle archery competitions in Korea as well!

There is talk (and from what I understand quite serious talk) of a Thailand muni week in November 2010 probably starting on the 10th (2010/10/10)

The indouni tour is coming up but I don’t know the details of that.

Another uni tour that I don’t know a ton about is the African one.

Last but not least uni tour is the Mongo uni tour.

These are all the events that I don’t think have been posted here yet and that I know of and I don’t think many other people will post about. I will try and get a better list of dates.

UDC sites use to have calendars marking all the big unicycle events.

There’s the Induni Unicycle Tour, April 5-16 2009.

Details on this thread:

Hey Jason,

We’re going to start keeping the events page on www.unicyclemagazine.com up to date as possible - check back there in a few days, or grab me at UniCon.
Are you planning a world tour?


That would be good as I’m pretty sure it is the only place you can find all events collectively.
I won’t be at UniCon so can’t catch you there but I’ll have a wee look back in a few days.

In terms of a world tour, I’m just looking to take part in as many competitions as possible. I enjoy riding in comps and would like to get a bit more experience in smaller events rather than just riding at UNICONs and with the same lot of riders at BUC.

Hopefully I’ll get the chance.


Wunschkonzert - end of january
GMTW - easter weekend

ELSBET - no fixed date by now

1 month ago it was the Swedish Championships and I guess it will be at the same time next year.

Note to authors and publishers – The creators of Unicon call it either “UNICON” or “Unicon”. The addition of the capital C in the middle came out of nowhere. We started out with all-caps but that got a little old, so there was much use of “Unicon” as well. I speak not for the IUF, but just in reference to the early days of Unicon (the term was coined in 1986 for "World UNICON II).

a lot of dates of unicycle conventions are on the website www.einradverband-bayern.de

There you can find a lot of dates from events in some european countries.
The calendar for 2009 we want to date up on the End of July.


president of the bavarian unicycle ferderation

Anyone got a translation for these german sites and comps?

check your emails…