While riding to my nieces house for a bithday party I was attacked by four guys who were scared of clowns and decided to push me over and beat me. I managed to grab one as they pushed me over and we both crashed over my 36 inch cruiser. When we got up he through a right cross that made stars appear. I was able to regain my composure and proceeded to defend myself. Then, out of an alley came a man screaming"What the hell are you doing Rocky?" . My attacker replied "He jumped me and disapeared as fast as he had appeared. My left eye blackened my clown suit shreded I road into the sunset. good riding!
sorry to hear that. some assholes threw m80’s at me while i was riding once.
indeed good times
OMG I wish someone would mess with me while I am riding. But for some reason everyone knows me and won’t be mean to me or mess with me. Maybe I should come visit you and ride around your town until someone tries to start something with me. Then I teach them a lesson and leave.
I’m very sorry to hear that this happened to you, but what happened afterwards? Did the guy that came out of the alley say anything else?
A 20" trials unicycle can be used as a deadly weapon. That handle is sharp when swung by the frame.
Ouch. The only reason you were picked on was because you were in a clown suit and it’s determined that you were a good target for bullying.
As opposed to violence as I am, people like that deserve a sock to the head.
I hope you filed a police report.
That kind of behavior is unacceptable!
And what did the kids at the party say?!!
Indeed. An excrement filled one.
well i cant speak for danman but as for me i try not to give a shit what ppl say/do to me while im riding, i just say to myself “id liike to see those assholes ride one”, not that a uni is hard to ride but most ppl think its impossible to do.
Your spirit’s admirable. However, there are idiots around who’d take advantage of your being nice and keep at being an ass. I still say some people deserve a sock to the head. Who cares if they can ride a uni. For instance, I can’t drive but I don’t go around throwing rocks at other people’s cars.
They just caught some young adults in Long Island who had a hobby of beating up Hispanics, fueled by the anti-immigration sentiment of their parents.
Over the course of any week it appears they assaulted countless of Hispanics, who of course never came forward out of fear of the authorities.
There’s lots of anti-clown sentiment here at JC, and your attackers may well have been children of those anti-clown posters.
Clowns have been afraid to go to the authorities after being assaulted, so reports of such assaults are greatly underestimated. If you fear mistreatment by the police, phone the CLOWN Hotline, where trained counselors will accompany you, support you, and assist you through every step of the process.
Holy shit! It’s unfortunate that people feel like it’s necessary or ok to act like this. I’m glad you weren’t seriously injured. (At least, it doesn’t seem so from your description.)
Agreed. Even if not for yourself, I guarantee you’re not the first nor the last person to be victimized by these people.
Nice to see you can still post. Jerks.
Why the hell would you want to get jumped by 4 guys?
Anti-clown violence is on the rise. Some say anti-clown sentiment has been fomented by forums such as this one, where many people seem quite comfortable with their anti-clown sentiments.
I’ve seen clowns get a pie in the face, and everyone just laughs!
The more the merrier.
There’s a reason I always use a U-lock, even though a cable lock would be easier. Should a similar situation arise for me, I could deliver some swift U-lock justice!
That’s pretty awful. I hope you’re alright and that you aren’t discouraged. People suck.
Sorry to hear that. How was the party?