Unicycles in holiday movies...

I was watching Jim Carrey’s How the Grinch Stole Christmas and i noticed, in the scene where the grinch chases pedestrians while in a tiny car… one of the chase-ed citizens is on a unicycle…

Also, i spotted a pair of unicyclists (one on a giraffe and one on a big wheel) in the Rankin Bass production of Rudolph and Frosty’s Christmas in July during a parade scene.

Happy Holidays, Indeed!

i saw that thing in grinch. if you watch seinfeld enough you will notice that bizzaro jerry has a unicycle on his wall where normal jerry has a bike.

The only movie I’ve seen a uni in was The Ring. The uni was the only good part about the movie. But I daresay that the Ring was not quite a holiday movie, was it?

Ya I saw that too! But it was a super crappy unicycle,

In the Nightmare Before Christmas, the fat clown guy rides around on a unicycle.

It was a crappy unicycle. I think it had a square fork though, so it wasn’t a savage.