Just thought it fair to give the other side a shot, if any. To me, whether you’re religeous or otherwise, it should be kept personal; but since so many people seem willing to share their beliefs and/or opinions, go for it!
Unicycle for food… or money…
Howabout just Unicycle for FUN!
that wouldn’t look so cool written in a paperbox held by a bump.
I join! Do we get to do our non-religious rituals? Like, calculating pi to the tenthousand digits?
That’s offensive! I religiously memorized the first 250 digits of pi years ago. Digits of pi are a path to enlightenment.
You’ll have to explain that one!
oooh… pretty colors…
I knew this thread was coming. RSU, meet JC. JC, meet RSU. One big, happy, combined forum – no need to divide ourselves into serious unicycling discussion (RSU)… and everything else (JC).
We’ve been having fun debating religion for a long, long time in JC. Where have you all been? Why do you have to pollute RSU with it? Wait until Greg sees THIS thread. He wanted the other one moved. He’s gonna throw THIS one right in the trash.
Let this thread die, die, die.
Follow this link and make ALL further posts HERE.
Unlike the unicycle for christ thread, THIS thread really has nothing to do with unicycling…
The problem with the first “unicycle for christ” post was that it specifically excluded anyone that’s not a christian and asked all that were not to not even post. It makes sense that if you take an already small group of people (unicyclists) and then fracture them into one group (christians) that the other group (everyone else) will want to form some manner of grouping as well.
While I’m not going to argue the merits and pertinence of this thread, the reason it was created was obvious.
Personally, I don’t believe in a god, any powerful entity or other degree of all-knowing force. I believe when I die, I die and that’s it. But - I also believe it doesn’t matter. Why - because we’re here because we’re all unicyclists. We’re here to talk about our one-wheeled adventures and help each other out. I don’t care if someone’s a christian, muslim, jew or any other religion. It’s simply not important when it comes to the topic of unicycling.
While I understand that some people believe that their religion transcends all aspects of their lives, it doesn’t mean that they can’t talk about unicycling without talking about religion and it also doesn’t mean that people need to point out that “I don’t believe in your religion and religion is foolish” or any of the other unnecessary comments some of the non-religious have made.
While I enjoy rational, critical and open discussion on all topics, this one is unfortunately not one that everyone seems to be able to have here. Either some people are too crass or other people may be too sensitive - it’s just a touchy topic and someone’s going to get offended one way or another.
I’d like nothing more than to see an indefinite moratorium on religious debates in JC or RSU. For a number of reasons (which both sides of the isle contribute to), I just don’t see it offering much pertinent unicycling substance to these forums.
This is probably because the thread starter was aware of the types of responses to Christ/Christianity around here. I don’t believe the intentions were hostile. Why would an atheist care to join a Christian organization for unicyclists? Why should an atheist post to such a thread? If you’re a freestylist with no interest in long distance riding, why would you bother to post in a thread about Cokers?
Funny, that is EXACTLY what I think of the “Unicycle for christ” post!! IMO, neither has much to do with “unicycling” as a sport, or hobby. If you haven’t already guessed, this was not meant to be taken seriolsly.
Yeah, somebody PLEASE move this and the U for C threads over to JC. Just cuz you mention the world unicycle in a thread doesn’t mean it’s got anything to do with RECREATIONAL AND SPORT UNICYCLING.
EX: “I was struck by the beauty of diving off the reef. The colorful fish, the eel in the coral, the sea horse, looking so much like a clown on a unicycle…”
It’d be a real stretch to say that a thread like that would belong in RSU.
I’d rather see 1000 “Which unicycle should I buy?” threads than either of these religious (or non-religious) threads here on RSU. Off to JC, I say!!
Unfortunately Terry, being flippant about being an atheist, or a christian just doesnt seem too funny?
I unicycle for me
'Nuf said!!
I unicycle for the all knowing suprabalunicunipotiousalisticanialinine
I totaly agree, at least with those posts it is generaly people who are new and don’t know any better, but I would imagine that whoever posted these two topics knew very well that these should be in just convo, or at least they should.