unicycle blog

hey htis is my blog i made on unicycling

i know i know its kinda lame but im working on it so give it some time

Nice! I have added the feed to my Google reader… looking forward to some onewheel posts

thanks for the positivaty lol i was just waiting for staight up flaming

oh and im trying to post around three or for post a day so it should be pretty high tech

Quality of quantity!

who said less is more right?

hey guys thanks for keaping up with me i already had 43 views today!!

sorry nothing new yet im working on the behind the scene stuuf today but keap up with me there will be updates soon

Thanks for the support!!
The Green Monster

Excellent - I look forward to watching it grow.

hey guys sorry the website has not been updated for the past like 4 or 5 days my laptop is being a bad boy and not working i will be post HOPEfully
by tonight around 6 or 7

thanks for sticking with me