Unicon IX Web Page


The Unicon IX (9th International Unicycle Convention) web page that is
maintained by the organizers of Unicon IX is now available. The information
available is a schedule of events for the week of Unicon (July 25 to August 3,
1998). The page is available in German as well as English.

The address is: http://home.t-online.de/home/02041689243-0001/homepage.htm

For some additional information about Unicon IX (in English), a link to the
organizers web page (will be available in a day or so), and other information
about what a Unicon is all about, check out the IUF (International Unicycle
Federation) web page at: http://www.unicycling.org/iuf/

cotter@skypoint.com Twin City Unicycle Club - President Andy Cotter Unicycling
Society of America - Vice President USA home page http://www.unicycling.org/usa/