UNICON 17: Rumors and pre-planning

Hey, I understand Unicon 17 will be in Montreal.
That puts it within feasible driving distance for me, if I plan ahead.
Anyone have any idea of what the dates will be? Any other info? Anyone else planning to drive from Northwestern U.S.?

This is dangerously close to where Billy lives.

Yup… would be handy to have some dates :slight_smile:

confirmations will be coming soon guys, I think we’re probably going to hold it around the same dates as Unicon 16 since it’s probably the best time of the year for everyone. So from July 21 to July 31. Nothing confirmed though yet!

Great thanks :slight_smile:

I have one request for the event… please spread the long distance events out. Unicon 16 had the 100k (which was really a XC obstacle course) only 2 days after the marathon :frowning:

I’m taking notes of what everyone tells me :wink: We’ll do our best to make it awesome!

Alan, the marathon had to be on a Sunday due to the issue of closing down the roads. Obviously, the 100km race should be on the last day of Unicon. Hence the painfully close race dates.

Just a suggestion for getting more volunteers… give a 10% discount off your entry for every event you volunteer to help with… volunteer for to help with 10 events then you get in for free :slight_smile:

Some sort of incentive for volunteering (discount, lodging, food, ect) would make it so you had more volunteers than you know what to do with

They could have run it in the evening?

Which? The marathon?

Yes, marathon. If the had started at 6 everybody whould have been in before it got dark… if that wasnt an option they could have altered the course

I hope to be able to make it too ! If only my mom would let me go…

How does one get into Unicon? Do you have to qualify for the events, or do you just pay an entry fee and you’re in?

I really hope that’s a joke. :thinking:

Me too :frowning:


Of course it’s a joke. Along with Benoit Gonneville-Damme, I am in charge of the organization of Unicon 17. I was referring to the fact that we are young.


I have huge faith in the guys in charge of Unicon 17. :slight_smile: So excited for 2014!

haha me too :wink:

It’s still far, but I think I’d like to find a job in Montreal for that summer, so I can help out with everything!

At Unicon in the marathon I ended up in the age group +19. Therefore me too! :slight_smile:

I had expected to end up in -100 :smiley: