Uni meet in the south west...more news

So far the South West England uni meet looks like it will be in Exeter on
either Saturday
Feb 21st or 28th 2004, any one got any STRONG preferences for one or
other? I need to confirm the date with the sports hall early this week so
don’t be shy.

The uni meet will need your help to work as well , does any one have
parents or partner they could bring with them who would be willing to help
with some of the non unicycle stuff, like registering people on the
door,selling tombola tickets, toping up the squash bottle or kettle and
( rather importantly) being a first aider?

More details like exactly when and where , how much and a rough time
table will follow once the hall is booked.

Sarah Miller

Re: Uni meet in the south west…more news

Sarah Miller wrote:
> So far the South West England uni meet looks like it will be in
> Exeter on either Saturday Feb 21st or 28th 2004, any one got any STRONG
> preferences for one or other?

Sat 28th Feb is the date of the Liverpool juggling convention, which
might put some people off (me at least).

Sat 21st Feb appears to be clear according to the festivals list.

  • Richard