Uni-Hockey tournament, Bristol (UK)

Greetings to all… especially those I talked to on the 10th of Jan (in Hackney)
about the prospects of a unicycle hockey tournament in Bristol in Mid March…

well… we have the goahead, and I have booked the Anson Rooms in the Union for
the whole day… OK… this is a little awkward as the Uni doesn’t open till
half two on a sunday, but there is enough space to play two games simultaneously
for the first rounds or so… and then open up for later ones…

Anyone interested please get in touch with me… There has already been interest
from the Bristol Freaks and Bath, and Bristol University will be feilding their
first team in over five years at the event…

Prices will be E10.00 a team, and wil be payable on the day…

Hope to hear from you…

PJ xx

Si in dubio, poculum infusio faci…

Re: Uni-Hockey tournament, Bristol (UK)

Since the last post, I have done much schmoozing, and have a date fixed for the
17th of March… times will be around 2:30 to 8:00, but we have access to the
bar next door, which we can open at about 7, just in time for the final… The
Union building does not open before 2:30, so we may have to play two matches at
a time, at first across pitch, or even ones as short as five minutes (probably
6) a half… Final decisions will be made upon finding out how many teams are
taking part… Email me for further info, but being a poor stude, I might not
get back to you before the new year… I’m off home in a few days… :slight_smile:

PJ xx

Si in dubio, poculum infusio faci…