My 11 year old is trying to learn to ride the Ultimate Wheel. He is very good at riding a normal uni.
I made a 20" UW for him. I understand bigger wheels are easier - does this size seem right for an 11 year old?
The tyre on it is a bit knobbly, BMX probably. Given that (I think) on a UW the insides of your calves can rub on the wheel (and help control it?) might a slick tyre help?
Any advice I can pass on to him, most welcome.
20" is ok, but bigger is easier.
You do not want a knobbly tyre on the UW, best to have a thin sooth tyre. It is also best to have leg armour of some kind when riding to stop rubbing and help the wheel to move.
For learning, use 2 spotters, one per side holding them up. This helps them concentrate on the riding smoothly and keeps momentum.
Good advice, thanks. Looking for a thinner/smoother tyre now.
I think you need to know how tall is he…
Because i have 27.5 " to sell but It depends on the measurement