(UK): Peaks Muni Trip 2: Early Midlife Crisis 19th-21st September 2008

Yebbut this way I can be cooking things instantly rather than in four hours, the heat lasts more than ten minutes and you can do chicken without spending the rest of the night on the loo with food poisoning… :slight_smile:

BBQ sounds like a good plan Phil. I’m going for the (Joe Marshall inspired) can’t-be-bothered-to-cook lightweight approach, so a heat-source in addition to the pub fayre would be cool.

I should get there (Edale station) at 1802 tonight.

John: not only is she coming to a muni weekend, but today is Talk Like a Pirate day. Y’arr, we all knows what them scurvy unicyclists be like, g’harr!


Mmmm… I know what I want on my bbq;
they’re available locally too!


Great weekend; thanks to everyone who came along. Rare proof that a UK muni weekend can be unbroken sunshine and partial cloud-cover.

Phil, you must have an awful lot of pictures; I look forward to seeing some of the choicer ones!


Yes, very good indeed! Well worth the trip (although it did remind me the driver’s seat in my car needs rebuilding… ouch :o)

Lots of riding just on the limit of my ability, but not impossible. And as Sam mentioned, it didn’t rain for once! No real injuries either (I think Spencer twisted his ankle a bit, Sam scraped his shoulder and I destroyed a toe nail, but that was it) which was quite surprising given how rocky it all was.

Thanks Joe :slight_smile:


Yeah, thanks one and all for a great weekend. My body is hating me now, but despite that I had a fantastic time. Whilst I may not have ridden quite as much of the uber-technical as some people did, I loved the route and thoroughly enjoyed the stuff I did ride.

As long as I can get my loose cranks sorted out in time, I’m looking forward to the BUC muni ride already!

Oh, and happy birthday Joe!


Hey everyone, glad that the routes turned out good - and the weather was amazing wasn’t it!

I’m quite achey given we didn’t ride as far as originally planned either day - I think riding the best sections multiple times, plus the silly fast speed we went on the Saturday, and silly fast spinning on that last road section, have all taken their toll.

That Sunday ride was surprisingly super, totally concentrated technical goodness, and not too long either - like the rest of the Peak District but without the in-betweeny bits, and almost all the uphills rideable.


A thoroughly enjoyable weekend, I thought - well worth the creaking legs and walking difficulties today!

What’s currently making it seem even better is that it’s raining here at the moment - we had some very well timed weather.

Lots and lots of pictures of the weekend…

There are loads more here: http://picasaweb.google.com/philhimsworth/PeaksMuniTrip2September2008


…and not forgetting Sam’s entry for the “how far can I drop my unicycle” award:



For anyone interested, I’ve put my GPS logs up on mapmyride.com;

The Sunday ride doesn’t include the extra loop of the woods that some of you did though, but I still make it 29.39 miles in total with over 1000 meters of climbing and ascent in 2 days. Probably not that far off of for qualifying for RTL!


Great weekend all, I had a fantastic time, a little sore today and I think I might stay off the uni for a couple of days.
Thanks for the Photos Phil.
My vote goes for Joe having a 30th birthday about every 6 months.
No wonder Sam’s seatpost broke, I hadn’t realised he’d thrown his uni half way down a mountain.

Green Eyed

God I am so jealous.
Been back on the uni this last week after the break. Working on getting my withered leg built up again.
Great Pics.
God I am so jealous.

Love that last picture.

Good to hear you’re up and about again Steve.


Cheers Sean - have to get together and bust some mre limbs soon :wink: