*UK* Bristol UnicycleSkills Convention - 24-25th June 2023 *UK*

Hello all,

The UnicycleSkills Convention will take place in Bristol on 24th & 25th June. It’s the only unicycle convention to be held in the UK for over 10 years, so come and get involved!

The event is focussed on learning new skills, there are loads of workshops planned, unicycle games, a muni ride, a street ride and a flatland competition. Whether you are a total beginner or an expert, there will be something for everyone.

Full details and tickets can be found on the UnicycleSkills website.

We hope to see you there!


:+1: I will be there with my daughter (she needs to learn to freemount) but it means I’ll probably have to miss the muni ride sadly

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Great! Will be good to have you along :slight_smile:

Just over a week left to register, so make your you get your tickets soon!