Triathalon @ Rays – Rolling Trials, High Jump Competition & Coker Slalom Racing

One week! Looks like I’m by myself for the trip. Can anyone lend a little floor space? I’ll happily split the cost. I’ll be coming up Saturday.

You know it

Just realized how soon this is thanks to Podzol. Anyone coming through Central Pennsylvania? I would happily split travel costs in exchange for a ride. HCR, it looks like your path goes close, so check your PMs.


Just this second i successfully figured out a way to mount the glidecam monitor to my helmet :o

Also looking for options on floor or closet space.

MacKenzie I will bring supplies.

I may be going, too.
I’ll let you know.



Confirmed from London, Ontario:

Brian MacKenzie, Coker, potentially Schlumpf 29"
Joel Burgess, Coker, Muni
Jordan Brown, Coker, Muni, Giraffe

Andrew, email me your phone number to (limowrck at gmail dot com) so we can meet up for car pooling.

I too am looking for some floor space for sleeping over friday and saturday night.

I just confirmed that the hours and pricing is the same as last year:

9:00pm - 2:00am (the first hour is non-exclusive)
$15.00/per person

I’m not going to be able to make it.

I have space available in my car and will be driving on Rt 80 from NJ through PA to OH, does anyone want a lift? I’d hate to drive all the way there and back by myself. I would be heading out from NJ around 4 PM on Thursday. PM me or better yet, call me at 201-294-5249.



While I still have space available in my car and will be driving on Rt 80 from NJ to OH, I will instead be leaving from NJ Saturday morning and heading back home to NJ Monday morning. In addition, I will be staying at the Best Western (10 minutes from the Holiday Inn) and do have space available for 1 extra person. PM me or give me a call if you are interested in a lift and/or room or any combination of either. The room cost would be $33/night + tax.

Live webcam at Ray’s MTB

Just found out Ray’s has a live Webcam.

Thanks Andrew for organizing this again! I had a great time, saw some old friends, made some new ones, got some cool shots, learned my way around cleveland due to bad map reading…

Frank and Jeff, we were riding there today until about 2:15, and figured if you weren’t there by then you weren’t coming, hope you didn’t show up later looking for us…

I really wish I could have made it but some last min plans came up that I couldnt avoid, sounds like a great event.


I don’t know about Jeff, but Wendy and I were half way across PA by that time. Sorry I couldn’t stay for filming, hope you got some good shots. Here’s a boring little vid of my attempts and clearings of lines 2 and 4, which won me the championship. I had a real blast, though I wish more people had shown up, especially cokeurs. Glad I could hold on to the championship, can’t wait til next year!

didn’t really get much more, other than my landing 180’s on my Coker on on the tabletop between #2 and #4 :smiley:

Brian sorry I missed you at Ray’s on Sunday. I woke up and eat breakfest with Frank around 10 AM and ended up falling back to sleep again. I was physically trashed from Saturday’s riding and it wasn’t until after 3 PM that I was able to get myself out the door and over to Ray’s.

Thanks again Andrew for running the event.

Here are the results of the High Jump event:

  1. Joel Burgess 35" (88.9 cm)
  2. Joseph Wade 20"
  3. Frank Brown 19"
  4. Jeff Prosa 18"
  5. Jim Rosenthal 18"
  6. Josh Torrans 14"
  7. Brian Sheridan 6"

I uploaded some pics/vids: