Trials vid


That’s all I can say.

You could probably jump over a small child standing.

So where are you hiding the magic lobsters?

Those sidehops made me slap myself with a salmon beacuse im feeling so owned right now.

I enjoyed the trials video so much more than i will ever enjoy a street vid. Was some time since I saw a really good trials vid, I was almost about to turn in to a street rider. But this vid motivated me want to go out and jump some trials lines again. I hate all the snow we have right now.

Sick vid. keep up the good work.

Really amazing how many top class vids we have gotten now, I mean first Shaun’s now this one…

Me too, we have over a foot of snow and its still coming down. I I want so bad to go out and ride trials.

Fexnix, what’s this about lobsters and salmon slapping? Are these informal Swedish terms, or slang? I’ve never heard such a thing… makes me laugh, though.

My feelings exactly. Exactly. Let this be a trials revival! More trials vids on the boards!

one word:

holy crap this is sweet, and i recognize so many places. it reminds me of one of those freerunner people who can jump and go up anything, only you do it on a unicycle! amazing, simply amazing :astonished:

Ryan, that was awesome. Those huge gaps in total control… wow. I loved the control on those planter boxes, instead of hop-hop-hop.

Bring a video camera on our next few rides and we can throw one together, however it wouldn’t compare to this…

hahahahahahaaaaa that was halarious…

any way, i would like the slap myself with a tuna. THOSE ARE AMAZING HOPS!!! i wanna be just like you when i grow up =)

Awesome that’s why I ride trials. Just I dont ride that well. Must practice more! It will be done! I love you Ryan. In a non-homosexual way and even though I never met you.

I’ve heard and said such terms before. I’m nuts though so you never know what I’m going to say unless I say it a lot for a situation with sugnificant recourse.

Hot video. That’s probably the biggest stuff I’ve ever seen on a uni. I like how you inspired me to work on trials now, even though I’ve been focusing on street.

No… you bring a video camera.

Okay. Who’s got a video camera in the SF Bay Area and wants to film a couple hacks trying to do their best impression of Ryan Atkins?


Okay, I’ll throw in a free six-pack of soda to sweeten the deal… PM me if you’re ready to go.

It´s widely known that all the top riders uses Magical Lobsters in some way.
The only thing that´s stopping me to get “Ryan Atkins good” is I don´t know how to use the magic lobsters, or where to attach them…

The salmon slapping I got from a comedy.

yeah, I thought everyone knew about the Magical Lobsters…
anyway. Ryan Atkins, you’re AWESOME!!

Awesome video


Hey Ryan,
Thanks for posting this outstanding video.
I have been working on my list for Santa and so far it looks like this.
Dear Santa,
Please allow for Ryan Atkins to make it back to Motorama again this year so I can see him do this amazing stuff in person.
Motorama will be in Harrisburg, PA on March 18th and 19th.

That’s a truly awsome trials-video, not at all booring to watch!

My right hand hurts after i had some trial/street sesisons, have had the pain for over a week now, should probably go to a doctor…
I want to do those things!!!

Holly crap…how high do you think those hops were?

Such a refreshing video, Ryan! I remember your first one; how amazing and scary it was. This one is no longer scary (even though you’re doing harder stuff), but it is definitely amazing.

I hope you can find the key that keeps this riding interesting to you so that we can enjoy your riding for a long time to come.

whoah, that’s some awesome riding. That vid made me wish that it wasn’t winter anymore, so I could go out and practice. And you know that means a lot, cause I like winter.