Trials event write up

Here’s a little write up of a trials event/demo that Joey Cohn and I went to a couple weeks ago in NH.

It’s cool how this came about. We met a guy on a ride who took some pictures of us riding some trials, which he posted on (a great site if you want to check out the east coast freeriding scene). The guys there were running this trials demo at a big skate park, and they asked us if we would come up and ride with them. We got free admission to the event along with free food and T-shirts.


Hey nice compliments for the unicyclists! Beautiful job. Thanks also for the link to the skate park. My nephews might be drooling soon…


Awesome write-up and great picture. Coincidentally, I just emailed Pete Wilk about EFTA’s summer trials series. First event is in Maine on June 1. I’m hoping to head up there.

It’s a small trials event but looks fun, so I’m hoping to head up there. Any chance you, Joey, and Dan can make it? I’m checking down here in NY to see who’s interested.


Ben and Joey,
Sounds like it was a good time had by all. It’s good to see uni trials riders being invited to bike events.

I may be going up to that event, I need to email the person in charge for some more details first. I will be in CT over the summer so it won’t be too far of a drive. I hope to attend a number of the events in that series.

  • Sal Gionfriddo

Sal, the guy you need to email is Pete Wilk. I sent him an email yesterday. Considering he has seen Ben and Joey Ride, and saw all of us ride at Motorama, I don’t anticipate any problems at Bradbury Mt and other events. I’ll let you know what I hear back.

Where will you be in CT this summer?

Okay, thanks. It sounds like it shouldn’t be a problem.

I’ll be in Portland, its about 20 minutes from Hartford. I have a job for the summer doing some DB2 and Access stuff for an insurance company so that should be interesting.

  • Sal Gionfriddo

Just heard back from Pete Wilk. He was one of the checkers at Motorama! He has no problem with us showing up. We just need to let him know what we plan to do when we get there - We can pick the sections and go for it.
