Trials Discussion Thread

i look for them all the time but i can never find any. so i just have my own trials park with pallets and things

fixed :wink:

It would be very nice to find some trials parks. If somone could just merely suggest some they know of that would be cool as well.

Hey, I’m not much of a trials rider, but today I was practicing my sidehop over a bar. I was landing most of them but on nearly every attempt (9/10 tries) my feet came off of the pedals. It either messed me up completely or my feet slid in, onto the cranks, making it really hard to roll out of so it looked pretty bad. Anyone have tips for keeping my feet on the pedals while sidehopping?

I sometimes get this problem (especially when I’m going for a new personal best) and I solve it by concentrating on pulling up really hard on the seat.

I’m not very good, but I hope that helps.:o:

ride non slippery pedals ?

Wheres danny gone? Still injured?

metal odyssey pedals suck for grip lol

I recently bought some :frowning:

Quax Magnesium pedals or Wellgo B77

best pedals for grip.

animal plastics are what i use. they dont gove bad pedal

Ewww plastics.

hey they havnt broken yet. although one of them is about to come apart any day now lol. they work

I guess whatever works for you. I personally hate the darn things.

well i used to use those metel pinned pedals that comes with the nimbud trials. they just tore up my legs to much and broke through my leg armour. one of the bad things about plastics is that the side of the pedal you pedal grab on will have no pins after awhile.

I use plastic pedals too. First reason is because I took my Metal pedals for my Muni, and second reason is because I like to do some crankflips and unispins, with metal pedals I destoy my legs(with leg armour).

I would like them more if they didn’t wear out so fast and had adjustavle grip.

Does anyone have any experience with the koxx black alloy pedals? Are they good for trials? Do they have those small little spikes on them? Thanks!


I had the red ones on my old Koxx-one devil. They are grippy but if you pedal grab without taking the pins off of one side the will crack right in the middle. They are a bit heavy too. I hope it helped.

okay. has anyone had any experience with the plastic bisquit pedals? what color are they and do they have pins in them too?