after breaking two sets of nimbus venture cranks in 8 months (pedals inserts have crushed and stripped from the steel pins in my pedals this time) , what would the best cranks be for me to buy? i have a Nimbus ISIS hub. (so no Koxx cranks)
Tensils I hear are nice but I have never tried them. I use my light K1 cranks on my nimbus axle sometimes and I have not seen a problem with it so far.
I your doing trial then I think the groovy aren’t so good they are better for flat and moments are a bit heavy but they are something you will never break, except maybe the inserts but id think so
i’ve messed up hub flanges, pedals…broken frames, seat posts, spokes and saddles…but not come anywhere close to bending/breaking kh moments. sure they are heavy. but they are indestructible. i weigh 185 too.
KH moments are indestructible! If you get a problem with Moment cranks it’s only gonna be the insert witch you can repair pretty easily. If I ever break or bent my tensiles I’m going back to moments for sure!
i agree with moments/or /tensiles…
maybe you could try koxx cranks too
i know the length on these are less than ideal for trials and really arent good when it comes to length, but you get a hub with em and their cheaper than new cranks so theymay be worth a try. i dunno. if you dont wana sepnd much money, then maybe give the used koxx a try, if you have money, then moments or tesiles no doubt. thats just me though