Trials Course Love 99


That has to be one of the most insiring trials videos i have ever seen. Thanks you for taking the time to film/edit it. It makes me want to road trip to CA this summer.

Budd White

that was cool. i really liked the editing.

Awesome vid Jess!!! I remember you were telling me about this course on one of our Santa Barbara muni rides. Inspires me to keep working on my course. I really like those large wooden cable spools!!

Ive never seen anyhting that amazing… that skinny omg it’s insanly sick !.. honnestly I think this is the greatest vid out this year…

That was awesome, my only suggestion is to put a couch in there somewhere. The kind of couch you find on the side of the road. That was also, by a wide margin, the best intro I’ve seen on any uni video.

I promised my dad if I stopped using the course or he needed it gone I would dismantle it, and get rid of it.

The two huge spools, the stairs, the “triangle” pallets (with connecting rails to the big spool) all came from the trials course that Zack built at his house. Meanwhile, I saw numerous medium sized spools in the construction yard at my old highschool (they were doing construction). I asked the principle, and he gave me a truckload of spools. I had a small trials course at my house with that, and a bunch of pallets. Eventually, Zack moved all his stuff to my house, and we combined our courses (June, 2004). We got even more wood by driving around to house constuction sites and asking the workers for warped wood. They had all kinds of stuff to give us. Here’s a thread I made when we first started making the love 99 course. There are some good beginning photos there.

Actually, we pretty much just used what type of stuff we had. For a long time we didn’t have a saw out there, so we would make things according to how long the planks already were. We did have plans for a crazy teeter that once one landed on the vulcrum, the whole teeter would pivot and swing around. Similar to the one Kris rides in U2. Obviously, that never happened…

Nope, no one has ridden the whole Enchalada. [dig the name]

I’m glad you like it!


That course is awesome. How does it hold up to the elements? If we built something like that around here and left it outside it would probably fall apart after a year. Wish I could ride it. You should host a competition. :slight_smile:

Loved the video too. Some cool shots and editing. The animals kicked ass.


Damn, that is one big trials course. Nice about the spools though, they generally have a deposit on the spools here, they’re re-used a lot. I’m still trying to get some ground from the city council for building a trials course. Amazing editing as well!

I wish I had a trials course. There’s not a whole lot to ride at my home town.

By the way, the music was great. I dig Pinback! (And I’m starting to get into Air).

Good stuff,

The video production is super sweet… loved the intro. When are you going to put out a full length UnicycleJester DVD? I’ll pre-pay for the first copy, fo sho!

BTW, would you be interested in having a “trials weekend” or something at your place when you’re home from school? Corbin and I and maybe Bevan could come camp out in your yard and we could do some trials and schtuff…

That was sweet.

Sick course.
I remember the two rails to cable spool from defect :stuck_out_tongue:
Anyway nice movie :sunglasses:

awesome course and awesome riding.
nice one:)

ill watch it this weekend when i can use dsl(download it in like thirty seconds)

friggin’ amazing

love the course. wish i had a big garden to build one, or maybe i should wish that the other residents of this house wouldnt mind me building one in the existing garden.
anyways, cool vid… you shouldnt have cheated on that horizontal ladder tho :wink:

Wow, that really was a great movie! The filming and riding were superb and your course looks like so much fun. Can I come over and try the curvy rail please? :wink: I’d kill to have a rail like that in my backyard!

Have you considered filming in 16:9? It’s a big committment, I know, because once you change you either have to scrap of crop your old footage…but it’s well worth it! Try it out for a day. You’ll love the way it frames everything. Just film an exclusively widescreen movie and see how you like it. If you want…


that was freaking awesome!!! that is an insane course. looks like alot of fun.



funny you say that, as soon as i saw that rail i thought to myself… “ANDREW CARTER”

mind you, whenever us aucklanders see some crazy skinny like that we tend to refer to it as an Andrew Carter. lol