Trials Comp. Central AB Canada

Comp will be postponed to the 19th May Saturday.

It is going to rain straight through the weekend, and snow.
I still need pallets.

I just scanned quick through and I may have just missed it, but what time is this all going down on saturday?

A good breakdown of how you would like the weekend to run would be awesome.

I think I can come.

I’m not so sure about the catagorie thing though… cuz I’m not good at skinnies, but have a decent side hop(not sure how high) and I can gap over 60 inches… but whatever. As long as we can have some fun.

Saturday May 19th.

Beginners will start at 10:00am
Intermediates will go after
Experts after Ints are done.

Okay thanks… at least I know what time to leave in the morning :slight_smile: