Transition from hopping on tire to hopping on pedals


I’m looking for a little advice on a transition between tricks on the uni.
Before I ask, let me say that I’m sorry if this is answered in some obvious
place, like a FAQ or a web page, but I’ve snooped around a little and I couldn’t
find the answer, so here we go…

My problem is this, after an embarrisingly long time of seeing people do that
trick where they hop on a uni while holding the seat out in front and then junmp
up with a 1/4 turn to hop on the tire, I finally got up my nerve and learned
this trick! Boy was I psyched! But now I wanna get down! I’ve tried from a
number of different approaches to work on the transition from hopping on the
tire to going back to hopping on the pedals seatless, but nothing seems to work.
I know it’s going to take a lot of practice, but I was just wondering if someone
could point me in the right direction.

Do I need to try to jump back down with a 1/4 turn to land on the peddals, or
is it more of a controlled 1/4 twist as I slide my feet down off the wheel
onto the pedals? When I hold on to a support with one hand and try the
transition, the twist and slide down method works, but I just isn’t happening
when I try for real.



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