Totally impressed

There’s always Unicon 13, not to mention the Laos Unicycle Tour :sunglasses:

You forgot to mention being immortalised as a T-shirt:


Oops, link didn’t work.

Here’s the pic:

Are those shirts still available from anywhere? I was I bought a bunch of AUS shirts with the great original logo…I only have one and the logo is no longer in use.


No, but you know Steve Howard and have a Steve Howard frame, and Jagur has had and sold a Steve Howard frame, therefore you are only one degree of separation from the Jagur sales machine.

Now if we can just establish Steve’s relationship with Kevin Bacon, we’ll get this whole thing sewn up.

Obituary Addendum

…AND Greg is a TERRIFIC writer!

We miss you in Vancouver, Greg! C’mon up and play sometime! :wink:


what an awesome thread

it’s the kind of thread that makes me smile the kind of smile that the flame-thread-kiddies can’t wipe off my face with a month of sunday’s worth of nonsense

i’d also like to know if that T-shirt is available anywhere
in the meantime, i’ve resorted to including the pic of Harper wearing that T-shirt in my revolving desktop backround
it’s kinda fun to close a window of work and have a Harper-smile chase u off to the coffee machine

in the same way that the kennedy’s are (a lil’) gun-shy
when i was trying to find an arcane Charles Addams cartoon, Harper offered to
covertly photograph the copy in his university library for me
unibrier got hold of a copy of the cartoon for me before Harper had to don his long, black raincoat, but the mental image of Mr Sexy-Unicycle sneaking around in a library to take a pic of a cartoon so some total stranger on the other side of the world can get a tattoo finished still tickles me

greg’s final comment reminds me of a tattoo artist i interviewed many years ago
he works in Johannesburg, but locks up and heads for any warzone he can reliably get to whenever there’s sufficient troop movement to ensure a fair market of ‘danger-paid’ troops lying around waiting for something to happen
he’s done extensive tattooing on members of the French Foreign Legion and i figured that anyone who can do that, and live to tell the tale, must be a pretty decent tattoo artist
anyway, he’s Swiss-French by birth and has a very faded tattoo of the outline of Africa on his right bicep
all the way down the east coast, there are a line of dots at irregular intervals running all the way down to cape town
i asked him about this and he said that when he turned 19, he felt like a bit of an adventure so he left his parents’ home in Switzerland and walked to Cape Town
the dots are cities and towns where he stopped and stayed for a while
when i remarked that he’s lived a fascinating life (a normal reaction under the circumstances i thought)
he quickly replied: “I’m not done yet.”


Hey, Harper’s still alive!

Whew! The first part of this thread did read like an obituary. Sounds like Harper’s having about as much fun with this sport as I have.

Another reason why he likes the Schlumpf hub: He’s too sexy for his unicycle.

I think I got rid of (sold or “awarded”) all the Harper shirts I had made. They were of the transfer type, which means they did not hold up well in the wash. The artwork is available, with Greg’s permission, if anyone else wants to make more.

Thanks, Harper, for being one of us!

Pics, please…

(An ancient, nearly obsolete Harperism)

a pic of the original tattoo is available on the thread i linked to
i’ve been spending my money on property and have a list of ‘wanna-gets’ as long as my arm
pun kinda intended

oh, here’s the pic


And here’s the original.

Regarding pre-mature obituaries: It seems lately I’m going to at least a couple memorial services a year for friends and relatives of my parent’s generation. Everytime I hear the eulogies and testimonies I wonder why we don’t tell these people more often how great the are while they are still with us.

Yeah I agree, I always think that it’s a shame that people have to miss their funerals (I don’t believe in the afterlife).

It seems like Harper is a bit of a uni-legend, good for you Harper!

I know I will be buying a geared uni as soon as they are sold in the UK!

Anyone can have the artwork for the shirt. It would please me much more to have you solicit John Foss to make more shirts because I know how much it annoys him. He knows too intimately the history of “the shirt.”

Even better than “the shirt” was going to nationals in 2003 in Minneapolis and seeing everyone there wearing temporary tatoos of the same photograph. Chris (rhysling) LeFay had 1000 of them made because that was the minimum order. I walked into the gym and almost everyone was wearing one or more of them. What a surprise that was. David Stone had his appropriately placed underneath the back of his trousers. And then he showed me. (Shudder!) I still have a couple hundred of those tatoos. Chris said people thought they were the funniest thing they had ever seen or that they were completely appalled and disgusted by them. There was no middle ground.

I didn’t break my neck and spend three months on bed rest to not meet you, Greg. I’ll let you know when I venture out of Florida, and you do the same for Washington. One day, and some day soon… Unicyclists united as one.

Harper, dood, you rock!

I wanna be like you when I grow up! :wink:

harper will start charging for autographs now,thanx everybody.

Actually, Harper is kind of like the Queen…he’s not allowed to touch money. All financial transactions are handled through his agent. PM for details on the autographs…

you fool, i am the agent. get to that! exclusive rights happin here.

I’ve met harper and he ROCKS!!!

lucky punks! harper you rock but you have to come to the last frontier man! i need some bunny ears too ya know

Hey Harper,
I will probably neva get to meet you, but after this thread, I really respect u