A friend of mine wants to start doing some light muni, so for now he plans on only upgrading the tire and pedals. I did a search and found nothing. Does anyone know the maximum tire size that fst in a 24" TorkerLX frame?
Much Thanks,
Whoever finds the answer gets either: A cookie, some root beer(of your choosing) or a free gmail account.
He already owns an LX, and I want to be able to do muni with the kid, so he figred a new tire and some grippy pedals would do him good until he can fully upgrade.
TheoELind: The next time I see you in real life( Moab? CMW?) I will have a frosty root beer waiting… What kidn would you like???
I’m sorry but uni.com is not always right. I can compair them pretty easly if it comes down to it my one friend has a LX frame and my other has a DX. Look at the link Jagur totally put a gazz in a DX without alturing it. Dude I’m right. Your “shit” smells like your wrong.
sorry, unicycle.com is my main source, if they are wrong, then my shit is wrong, but I am never wrong (I don’t give 100% backing to my shit, after all, it’s shit).
I think the new 2005 DX frames may be different than the previous version of the DX frame. Make sure you know what generations of frames you’re comparing if you’re going to compare the LX and DX frames for tire clearance.
I didnt think of that. The frames I would compare are '04s. Jagur’s pretty sure it was an '04. I think they would have only made them the DX wider then before if anything. Does any one know if they did make any changes to the frames?
i got it in 2004 but only a month or 2 ago. so they either made the legs longer late in the year or i got an earley 05 model, either way a Gazz 3.0 fits a Torker DX frame now so dont buy an old 2004 model off ebay or where-ever if you want to run a Gazz.