torker dx cranks

does anyone else have a dx and do the cranks keep hitting you in the ankle i was wondering if anyone has seen ankel pads it only hits me on the left ankel or are there other cranks that fit and dont have the sticky out bit that bangs me :thinking: :thinking:

I’m having the same problem. However, I think its just a technique thing. It happened to me a lot, but the better I got at unispins(thats the trick that was causing it for me) the less I got cut.


I’m not sure this thread belongs here, but I couldn’t tell you where to put it…
Product Reviews?

this may help you,

try searching aswell :slight_smile:

maybe i wasnt to shore i wanted some peoples veiws on options asweel so

oh no they dont stick out that way they carry on going aslong because they are 3 peice