Torker CX Saddle

I live near Edmonton, Alberta, Saskatchewanian. I was thinking about making a studded tire, but i don’t know where to start. Where do i even buy a new tire (or a used one) to stud? Just Do i just need to buy a new tire to but on the old rim or a new rim too :thinking:
Thanks for all your advice everyone!

Hi Unicyclist7894,

usually, you go for the homemade studded tire on a tire you already have because you want to keep the cost as low as possible. There is several ways of doing it (with upsides and downsides as usual in homemade projects).

If money is not a problem, you can go in a local bike shop and buy any studded tire you like/can afford and install it on your uni.

And in between, you can just get some proper studs (like and transform a tire you have (with sufficiently tall tread) into an ice tire (one way transformation).

The two hour session was only a day or two after i got my unicycle, and it was before i could freemount or ride forward for any stretch. It’s actually when i learned to ride forward. But yes, now i usually don’t spend that much time at once, unless there is a particular skill i am working on that requires a lot of undivided attention without letting myself break and forget it (like when i learned to freemount, i didn’t want to have to come back later and relearn the bit i had gotten)

That happens to me quite a lot too :smiley: And just after reading though threads on here, it is quite evident that not everything works for everyone, and you definitely have to take and leave advice.

But if i turn my tire in to a studded tire, I won’t be able to ride it when spring finally rolls around. It would be different if i just had extra tires sitting around, but all I’ve got is my one uni and it’s one tire :stuck_out_tongue:
I think this year i’ll leave it for now, we’ll see how i feel a bit farther in to winter. Alberta has had a really mild November, and I’ve had a few days where I’ve been able to go outside for a few runs without ice.
Next year if i’m still crazy enough to be riding this thing, then maybe i’ll get a studded tire.

Quite a while ago I wrote up a tutorial on how to stud a tire. Unfortunately all the pictures disappeared since the website hosting them is no longer active. here it is

I am sure I don’t have to tell you that Edmonton can get pretty icy. I am currently in Saskatoon until spring and we have had the same bizarre weather.

You should be able to get an inexpensive tire that fits your unicycle from any bike shop, Canadian Tire, or really anywhere. Unicycles use regular bike tires.

My reply might be a bit late and not much needed now, but I was in the exact situation as in the original post. I own a Torker CX 20 and learned on it. To me I wish I had replaced the saddle much, much, way much sooner. From the very beginning it hurt me after half an hour on it. Being cheap, I persisted and persisted resorting to getting a (cheap) pair of cushioned bike shorts instead. I bookmarked this Velo Saddle ( on Amazon wishlist for 2 years before finally buying it!! And yes, I regretted not having done it sooner. To me whether to replace a seat or not pretty much depends on how much you can tolerate pain + how much you’re willing to spend.