Tomorrow I will... (unicycling)

im also gonna
-practice gapping
-maybe film some stuff for my first video
-try 180 hoptwists

tomorrow iā€™m probably going to unicycle a bit after work alsoā€¦ Maybe budget some more money. Mainly for retirement savings, but to figure out what money i have for spending, and what money i have for saving.

Right now, i think by end of tomorrow, iā€™ll have enough savings to cover the percentage of my most recent paycheck.

edit: after i get all my retirement savings figured out, i think iā€™m gonna save all my money for the rest of the summer.

-try landing rolling wrap to backroll
-attempt inside rolls
-tighten my uni
-attempt 270 unispins

-Ride my unicycle
-Do tricks on my unicycle
-Film myself doing tricks on obstacles with my unicycle

you sir, are realistic.

(refer to my signature if confused)

finish building my new trials course.
ride the crap out of it
film for my new video.

Film something for my video!

-practice double leg wraps
-ride to school on uni

  • Hope my left leg will not hurt anymore
  • Go get pallets
  • Practice trials
  • Practice crank rolls

-Pick up another unicycle.
-Pick up the frame for my mini-giraffe unicycle.
-Order fixed wheel sprocket for the said mini-giraffe unicycle (maybe).


Just ride. :sunglasses:

And maybe something else with uni.

  • Buy new Unicycle tyre
  • Feel dissatisfied because I wanted the hookworm but they were all out

Rebuild my wheel with my soon to be painted black hub and white rim strip.
Itā€™s gonna look awesome with my white frame and white eastern plastics:)

first ride my uni a bit, practice skinnys, and thenā€¦

Build more of my Trials course
ride my trials course
Practice crank idling
look for my lost shinpads

Go to work the first time in 3 weeksā€¦ :astonished:

pick up jerrick and go get pallets
work on setting up trials course
practice flat with jerrick
get some new twisteds
jump over the park bench on video

-try to get my rolling hops to the same point as my static gaps

:angry: EHEHM Tomorow I.... (Brag Thread 4)

Well all those threads died because everyone was making too many of them there were like 10 brag threads