Toe surgery...

One of mine came out during the chicago marathon, It was hot and it sucked running on blood soaked feet. I’m going to do a 50 mile in april, so it’s probably going to happen again… :smiley:

I broke my back skiing nine years ago.

I have a lot of paralysis in my lower legs, hips and glutes (~95%, 85%, & 65%), also some in my hamstrings, lower back, hip flexors, and lower abs. And my digestion is totally screwed up (I have to take laxatives daily and have little bowel control :angry: )

This didn’t stop me from learning to ride and doing muni :slight_smile: :sunglasses: :slight_smile:
It took me two months to learn the basics, 6 mo. to commute and almost 2 yrs to Muni. I still can’t freemount at all or hop well enough to be any use. But I can do a bit of SIF and occationally ride SIB and backwards.

W/o my AFO’s (see avatar), learning may have not been possible.

Today is the day…wish me luck so i dont act like a pussy.hehe

Good luck. Hope all goes well. Don’t pussy out and run off screaming like a little girl in front of the Docs!

Kind of makes an ingrown toe nail seem like a good deal. My hat is off to you for your diligence. Keep up the great work.

haha ill try.

Best of luck.

If its like an ingrowing toe nail could you please post pics or email them to I have had real problems with my toe and have been very close to having the nail removed. Are you having your nail removed as in it doesnt grow back? At the moment my toe is realy bad and just the other day I was reconsidering having it removed. If you could send me some pics so I can see how bad yours was before you turned to surgery that would be cool.

Good luck, hope it goes well.

I feel your pain brother, when they removed my first ingrown toenail the doctors aid, or whatever, stuck the needle right into the inflamed part, It hurt so frikkin bad I passed out. Two doctors and three surgeries later I went to a podiatrist whom burned the nerve with acid so my toenail wouldn’t grow back. Now my other toe is ingrown :angry:

Anyway good luck and heres hoping for a speedy recovery.

WHEW!!! thank u guys sooo much.
this is something you DONT want done…
hurt sooooo bad…
ah man.
the doc said it was the worst he had ever seen in his entire career.
they shot me up 4 times…
and cut about an inch of nail off.(about 3/4 of that was insade my skin…)
i got pics coming.
seriously. hurt.
but after the 4th shot, you dont feel a thing…
and now i get codine.

I think the lesson here is not not pick your toe nails, yes? (well that’s how my toes used to get so manky and infected…)

yea…haha its from unicycling accually…
so dont ride without shoes…
and the doctor is sooooo good.
he was really compationate and cared alot…
made it alot easier…
yea…and sparky?
pm me…ill tell you about it…


When do we get pics?

I like gorey stuff lol.

i have pics of the before…and my phone is charging so ill only be able to get some during shot after bout an hour…but ill show what it looked like yestersay…

keep in mind this is after 8 days of meds…so its alot better already…this is a before shot…

i had already cleaned it so alot of the puss and blodd is not there…ill post a pic tommorow of the way it looks now…but i cant yet cause i cant take the bandages away…

Holy cow that is gruesome, SOOOOOO much worse than mine!

I take my comment back, I only felt a SMALL part of your pain.

yea…and keep in mind ive had this for hmmm2-3 months…and ive been RIDING.
now think about it… and that pic is when it was about 60% less inflamed…
it was another quarter inch out over my nail…

its starting to really hurt now/…

Keeping it elevated helped me. Just sit back and watch some movies (while a mile high on codine :smiley: )

haha. thanks…yummy

there…taht show the ammount of nail they removed…in a few ill have a video of the procedure…sorry bout the quality…i couldent breing my video camera in to the OR…(operating room)
this codine stuff is makin me all dizzy…