Today I... (brag thread)

today I got trapped in the house by 50 mph winds and lots of rain… I’m still trapped in here…

Nice. Whats next, hickflip?

First get them consistant. Then either a hickflip or learn them seat-in.

Congratz on getting trapped, Madison!

Edit: oh and I landed a crankflip with my new 19" wheel, not the 24".

Thanks Ivan!

Try putting all your weight on the front door and pushing, i’m sure that’ll untrap you.

yes but then I’m stuck outside and in the cold wind and stinging rain that’s pounding against my windows…

at least u have power. last year DURING WINTER VACATION we had a windstorm w/ gusts of 70 mph and our power was literally lost for over a week. it sucked so bad.

yeah I’m far enough into the city my power is still on, but one of my friends Laura lives out further and her power station for her area got flooded and so they haven’t had power and the roads up to her house are all closed due to flooding…

I’m almost getting the hang of one-footed idling, riding with one-foot with my less dominant foot, and I’m trying to learn how to wheelwalk and side wheelwalk.

Today I landed about 12 more crankflips, landed two down a curb and stuck one up a curb(about third or fourth try).

I still can’t do them seat in. Now I’m gonna rest, watch a movie, go out and learn them seat in.

My arms are quite sore from doing them SIF. And I don’t think it looks as cool.

Man, I wish I could do them sif. I can only do them SI and I want to learn hicks.

You can do outflips instead. They are cooler anyway.

I don’t think that a hickflip feels much like a sif crankflip. Just ride sif and when you unispin put more pressure on your front foot and kick your front foot down and out.

yea i cant hickflip at all, but i can outflip as well as in-in treyflip. no problem:p

ne ways, 2day i landed a 360 outspin out of 1 foot riding… that was prty swt.
i also broke my kh seat, as well as ordered a new cf seatbase coming w/ UPS second day air:D.

If you mean me, I am too haha!:smiley: Taping tomorrow actaully!:stuck_out_tongue:

I rode for the first time six months today.

well the other day…

i hit a static sidehop that i wasn’t sure of at all. i’m seeing a big rapid improvement at static sidehops, but i’m still not comfortable with them.
working on that
and still stands.

rolling hops… are good too

i found a trials playground, did a few insane lines, saw some extremely retarded ones, but didn’t do them.

Just to brag one more time and then I’ll shut up about it(for now).

Today I was checking my crankflip consistency and I got 12 out of 13. That’s on the third day after landing my first one.

Tomorrow I’m gonna learn them Seat In. Definetely.

Thats weird you learned seat out before seat in. Seat out crankflips feel weird. They feel pretty cool when you do them SO 1 handed tho.

just got back from the hospital having a bone scan. so hopefully my wrist will be sorted soon. I find out next week. congrats on nailing the crankflip sif.