Today I... (brag thread)

hahaha are you gonna get the same frame?

You should say “Hey you broke my unicycle! Buy me a new one!”.:stuck_out_tongue:
Hope mine doesn’t break like that.

no :roll_eyes: i’ll use for 1 month a KH now i think…and then…:smiley:

He tried that with my KH Longneck frame too in Croatia… he failed haha :smiley:

I rode on the bottom of a pond. Yup, it was drained, but it was still a little-ahem-damp in a few spots. Now my trials looks more like a muni. :stuck_out_tongue:


Broke my Odysee PCs after only at most a month of riding. Second pair now. It’s a love-hate relationship becasue they break so easily but they’re soooo nice. Broke them only by revving a 4 stair :frowning:

I feel bad buying a 3rd pair now, lol. Hopefully DansComp will give me some sort of refund.

Treyflipped a five stair

Today I… Did a 38.52km ride with the first 18km of up hill. With my coker and 114mm Cranks.

Fulloutspins! :slight_smile:


That´s really stupid, are you jumping on each others unicycles for fun just because you are sponsored and have more unicycles than you can count?

It was already breaking…they just hurried the breaking process along.

My “…cf” response was supposed to quote this:

ah, didn´t get that…

56cm side hop
41cm rolling hop
(both over a bar)

Jump mount to tire

And I got way better at riding backwards

So I guess I had a pretty good day!:smiley:

I got better at flat land free mounting! I can usually successfully mount in one or two trys!! Yeah!!! :slight_smile:

(I know I’m a noob)

i landed bay-walk over 2 revs

I tried a 180 crankflip and I failed:(

Because of my elbow(because of the fail at my preview post) I did a Coker ride. it was only 19km, I was supprised because I thought it was longer than that.

Edit: Double post…

Got my first unicycle (20" Nimbus X 2007 Freestyle) a couple of days ago.

First practice I did inside my apartment, just trying to find balance while holding on a rafter.

And my second practise was today. Went outside and after a couple of hours I managed to cycle for 20 yards.

As happy as a clam! :smiley:

A thread fof bragging!

Well, how bout trying to summitt 14 fourteen thousand peaks in Colorado in 7 weeks. We have 4 down, 10 to go; join us!
