Today I... (brag thread)

Black Cock?

only a UB will understand that… I’ll just let you keep wondering what it is…

That’s one vicious looking cock you got there Leif!

Black Cock! There’s a guy here making them, you can see it on the Handle vs Weight on a 36 thread.


how’s it ride?did you lube up first??

wow, thats horrible. black cock? thats almost racist and a stereotype all in one. Not a fan of the name. On another note, how does it work and whats it for? i dont get it

it’s a handle and you hold onto it and it’s named because it looks like a cock while you ride and it’s black… if it were white it’s be a white cock… but it’s black hence the name.

No, no, no, no and no. Actually theres a yes in there somewhere.

All personal preferances. If something is done one handed it dosnt have a diffrent name. Outflip and outspins can be done rolling or static, no diffrence. A seatwrap from SI makes no diffrence. Landing with 2 hands or one makes no diffrence. Landing a trick seat in or out makes no diffrence

Yes you land seat out on outflips, unless you wanna be weird and land SI with the seat backwards. But thats debatable.

thats just stupid… so lets say if a white guy beats a black guy, it would be racist??? a guy in my class is like this, and its to FREAKIN annoying

Anyone, i did land a 75 cm highjump yesterday, not first time, but its still awesome =)
today i will make the rest of my movie :smiley:

I would call that an in-in hickflip personally…

“Racist”? “Stereotype”? I might have chosen “Juvenile”, “Stupid”, or “Moderately Offensive”, but don’t quite see where anything negative or stereotypical has been said about anyone or anything.

It’s a single handle, black, on a rail adapter. It’s got a nice sturdy heft, less flex or weak points than my T7 “Long Blue Double Dong” Handle, and it’s use is as comfortable and intuitive as, well, holding your …

yeah, i must say, i never even thought of it as a black person’s cock…

just a cock that is black (though i did find it slightly immature, but eh, its a fine name)

I’m sure google will tell you :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

I think it’s a handle or grip though. I donno, coker posts annoy me so I don’t read them, I just look at the pictures :smiley:

well you’ll be glad to know it wasn’t a coker post it was a 29’er post.

I went to a local skate shop and got some free grip tape scraps, I also tried on a pair of skating shoes there (I use gym shoes right now) and now I am getting them tomarow… those shoes compared to mine right now is like having a KH instead of a Torker LX…

102 cm over a bar.

Watch for it in my next video.

/end brag

New cranks, doing more stuff, gonna go big.

/end brag

oh also, my splines arent damaged! So! In your face people that thought i killed my axel!

starting to learn seat drags. the satisfaction from getting a couple of revs reminds me of learning to unicycle. I love it.

Better feeling than 99.7? :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway my brag is that I got a new muni. It’s an 04 KH 24". $280 NZ, so a pretty good deal. I think I’ll buy a KH freeride seat for it though. O BTW I got it second hand but it’s in good condition and it’s means I have more money to spend on my street uni coz I got this so cheap. A new nimbus with moments would of cost me $580

pics. imediatly.